I received a free sample of [Gerber® Good Start® Soothe infant formula or Gerber Soothe® probiotic colic drops] from Gerber. My thoughts and opinions are by my own.
My oldest son had colic when he was 2 months old. It only lasted for 2 months, but it was the longest two months of my life. When I see or hear of a new mother struggling because she has a colicky baby, I feel so deeply for her. It is tough. It was one of the most trying times in my life. I’m not the type of person who can go no with life when I don’t get enough rest. I am the momster type if I don’t get any sleep and let’s just say that patience is not my strongest trait, either. Being in a position of not knowing why your baby is screaming for 9 hours straight is hard. Especially when you are exhausted, it’s 2a.m. and you have tried everything.
(Photo by Allison Hilyer Photography)