Farmer’s Market + Huggies
Check out the Huggies contest here!
Growing up, our city was pretty safe and very family friendly. While it still is in some parts of our town, our downtown area became pretty rough for a few years. Luckily, our government leaders have been trying to revamp our downtown area and make it more “family friendly.” We now have a minor league baseball stadium downtown, and a splash pad for children to play however, we still have a long way to go. While our community has made leaps and bounds to revitalize our city, there is still a lot of work to be done.
This weekend, we spent some time downtown walking around a.k.a. trying to walk out this baby. We enjoyed time at the Farmer’s Market and stocked up on veggies and enjoyed lots of conversation with some of our local farmers. They are seriously the sweetest people. I love supporting them by buying as many of our groceries from them as possible. Needless to say, it was a great way to spend our last weekend as a family of three.
Baby update: Despite 4 1/2 hours of false labor Sunday night, I am still very pregnant. Please pray that she comes before this weekend because I have 2 special family members who will not be here for her birth if she waits until Friday. 🙁
38 Weeks Pregnant + F I V E
O N E.
I will be 38 weeks pregnant tomorrow! We are officially in the home stretch! I had a great check-up this week! Baby SR is already 7lbs. and has lots of hair just like her brother! She also has little rolls on her thighs! Ah, I died! She is head down and ready to go! My Doctor told me it could literally be any day.I wouldn’t hate it if she came on. I’m still feeling pretty good, just large and getting to that uncomfortable point. Although, I feel a million times better this time than I did with H. I’m thankful for that. Be sure to follow me on Instagram for baby updates!
T W O.
I have had a couple of giveaways on my blog this week! Did you see them? Enter this giveaway to win $15 Paypal Cash and if you are a new mom, expecting, or know someone who is, enter this giveaway to win an adorable onesie (of your choice) from TuTu Sweet in Pink Boutique!
T H R E E.
My awesome MIL texted me this week and offered to keep H for us tonight so that Ryan and I can go on a date and enjoy a night to ourselves before SR arrives! I am SO excited! Ryan has been super busy this past month and I feel like I’ve hardly seen him. We definitely could use this time alone right about now. I’m also excited to hopefully get a little bit of uninterrupted cleaning done. It’s going to be a great weekend!
F O U R.
Last weekend, we took Hampton to see Thomas the Train. We rode him and met Sir Topham Hatt! It was a huge deal to my little boy who is absolutely in love with Thomas. I almost cried when he saw him for the first time. His little face lit up and he was so happy! Later that day, Hampton started looking awful. His eyes were swollen and he broke out in a rash. I thought he was having an allergic reaction to something, but it turns out he had Roseola virus. He has also been battling a double ear infection. I ran him to the Doctor and we found out the antibiotic he had been on was not even working. It was pitiful. Needless to say, we have spent most of our week inside resting. My little man is finally acting better and his rash has cleared up. I’m so ready to have my crazy little toddler back! 🙁
F I V E.
Weekly Round Up:
Check out these delicious Strawberry Lemonade Popsicles I made last weekend! They are so delicious and perfect for a warm day out in the sun!
Tuesday, I shared My Morning Routine with you and my new favorite yogurt flavor!
I showed off a little bit of my nerdy side with my new glasses.
Yesterday, I shared my new diaper bag with a checklist of what to put in it for the new baby! Also, don’t forget to enter to win a onesie from TuTu Sweet in Pink Boutique! They are SO cute!
What are you up to this weekend?
Five on Friday
Hampton and I went on 2 playdates this week. It has been so nice to get out and enjoy the weather. We go on walks almost every day, but it was fun to do something different. Tuesday we went to the zoo and Wednesday we had a picnic at the park. Did you catch my toddler playdate ideas I shared yesterday? Get out and enjoy the weather!
I am giving away a pair of Ralph Lauren Sunglasses from Sunglasses Shop! Be sure to stop by and enter. Everyone needs a new pair of sunnies for the summer!
My baby turned 17 months old earlier this week. I can’t believe how grown he is. He is talking so much more and acting so much older. He is still very into Thomas the train and I am so excited to surprise him with tickets to ride Thomas and meet Sir Topham Hatt next month.
I will be 35 weeks pregnant tomorrow. What? I literally can’t believe it. It feels like yesterday that I told Ryan I was 30 weeks and we only had 10 more to go. Now, we are down to 5 weeks. I still have so much to buy. I don’t know if it’s the 2nd child or what, but I have not been as prepared this time. PLEASE help me out and list all of your baby gear you couldn’t live without! Specifically for a baby girl. Any Etsy shop recommendations? Must have items?
SC Johnson is holding a sweepstakes where you can win a $200 Visa Gift Card, Bose System and Tons of cleaning supplies. All you have to do is take this quick quiz! You also get free coupons at the end of the quiz! It’s definitely worth checking out! Click here to take the quiz!
I hope you all have a great weekend! Don’t forget to tell me what your favorite baby gear and shops are in the comments!
Five On Friday
I will be 29 weeks pregnant tomorrow! Nuts! Where is the time going? I finally started organizing this week and we are getting ready to have a huge garage sale in 2 weeks to help us get rid of some of our clutter before baby girl arrives. I have finally started ordering decor for her nursery and Hampton’s big boy room, so I am getting really excited to start decorating and pulling everything together. As far as me? I’m feeling okay. I’m definitely starting to feel larger and have been more uncomfortable, but that is just all part of it! I’m mostly just really excited to meet this sweet baby.
Did you check out my Valentine’s Day inspired outfit? You must! Pink Blush sells this in maternity but it can easily be worn as non-maternity. It will definitely be a staple piece for me this spring and summer.
You must enter to win this giveaway on my blog! There are only 5 days left to enter, so what are you waiting for?
Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day! My mom offered to watch Hamp for us so we can go on a much needed date! I’m so excited I don’t even mind fighting crowds! We have plans to eat an early hibachi dinner! My favorite! What are your plans tomorrow? Are you doing anything romantic?
One of my best friends just moved back to our hometown after being away for several years. To say I’m excited would be an understatement. I have missed her so much and am so thankful for her friendship and the fact that I can see her more often! In honor of her arrival I’m sharing a Flashback Friday picture of us our freshman year of college. Yes, I had terribly dyed hair. You’re welcome. I feel very blessed this week. 🙂
P.S. Check out My Romantic Valentine’s Day Ideas!
I hope you have a lovely Valentine’s Day and weekend!
Linking up here!
Weekend Update
This weekend was equally crazy, scary, exciting, fun and about a million other emotions. At my doctor appointment on Thursday, we found out that when our insurance policy changed, so did the amount of money we will owe the hospital after baby. Let’s just say that number grew by an extra zero. So there was that. Even better? We had just purchased brand new furniture the day before and it was literally being delivered to our house while I was at the doctor. To say that news stressed me out is an understatement.
We are absolutely thrilled about our new couch and chairs. It is so exciting and terrifying to make a big purchase like that, but I’m so thankful we did and our house finally feels like it is coming together a bit more. I even caught Hampton enjoying his bible stories book on one of our new chairs. As soon as he spotted me with the camera, he began showing off. haha He is a mess.
Friday and Saturday, Hampton stayed with his grandparents while Ryan and I attended a marriage conference. It was such a blessing to gather with other Christians and refocus our marriage on God and putting Him in the middle of our relationship. We learned a lot about how to deal with conflict and decisions which was really interesting and definitely encouraged us.
All in all it was a great weekend. New furniture, working on our love, and a baby-free night! While I did miss Hampton terribly, it was so nice to have a night off. We haven’t had that in a very long time.
How was your weekend?
Friends and Frozen
Over the weekend, we spent lots of time with friends that we haven’t seen in a while. We have all been good friends since my Freshman year of college and try to get together as often as possible. One of our friend’s daughter was turning 6 and had a big Frozen party. Elsa and Anna were there and we sang Frozen songs and ate Frozen snacks. Of course, Hampton spent most of the time outside throwing his ball around. We really enjoyed our time with them.
Can you tell Hamp was a little excited?
What did you do over the weekend?
21 Week Baby Update
How far along: 21 weeks tomorrow!
Size of baby: 10 1/2″ long]about the size of a carrot
Gender: Our sweet baby Girl! We are beyond excited! I can’t wait to buy dresses and bows and take her to ballet class! Eek!
Movement: I’m feeling movement more often and she is definitely getting stronger in there!
Workouts: I’ve had a great workout week! I have had to slow up a bit more with running, but I have added a few extra walking miles to make it up.
Sleep: Sleep has still been pleasant. I’m not huge yet, so I have been pretty comfortable.
Maternity Clothes: I’m still sticking to leggings mostly, but I did wear a new pair of maternity black skinnies this past weekend. They were so comfortable. Sometimes, you just need to wear some jeans, you know?
Cravings: Still no cravings.
Favorite Moment This Week: Telling our families that we are expecting a girl! My mom and sister cried they were so excited! We are all so giddy to have a little dancer. Of course, my dad’s reaction was “Does this mean 20 more years of recitals?” haha
Looking Forward To: Shopping for our princess and working on Hampton’s big boy room. I am not going to start until after the holidays, but I am excited to get everything ready and organized.
Announcement // 14 Weeks // 15 Weeks // 16 Weeks // 17 Weeks // 18 Weeks // Gender Reveal
I Will Praise You In This Storm
I had planned to write a weekend update today to tell you all about my birthday weekend, what all we did, etc. The truth is, my birthday was very insignificant compared to what was going on. I promised myself when I started this blog that I would be honest with my readers. I’m not going to put on a face for you. When I’m happy and celebrating, I want you to all take part in that celebration with me. And when things aren’t so great, I want to tell my friends – all of you – about that, too.
One of my best friends from college has been battling stage 4 cancer for the last 2 and a half years. The year before he was diagnosed, he had a car wreck that nearly killed him. He spent that whole year having surgeries, physical therapy, all kinds of stuff. He was married to his wife in December 2013, one year after his wreck and was diagnosed with cancer the following month. It has been a really rough few years. That’s putting it nicely. You know what though? He has been the most positive person through it all. His entire family has fought with him and had the most positive attitude. He has impacted so many lives through this and I don’t think he realizes the amount of people he has reached through the way he has handled these last couple of years. He and his wife started a Facebook group to keep family and friends updated through his journey and every post he has written has been so powerful. He has completely changed the way I look at life. I’ve watched my friends and seen them change through this as well. He has brought some to Christ. One friend in particular started coming to church after not going for a long time and was baptized and is now on fire for God. It’s been amazing to see his journey and faith grow through all of this as well.
He was rushed to the ICU last week. I don’t want to get into all of the details because they aren’t mine to share, and because I would be typing forever. So much has happened in the last week. There have been many ups and downs, progress and set backs. Lots and lots of tears as we found out that the cancer has spread to his brain. Lots and lots of prayers, hugs, friends, family, encouragement, support. It has been a rough weekend. I was so thankful for my 6 closest friends surrounding his bed in the ICU on Friday night. His wife let us have that moment. It was so kind because if it were Ryan, I don’t know that I could be so selfless to give up even a minute with him, but she did.
His wife is such a wonderful, beautiful woman. She has been so strong throughout all of this. She is a nurse and she has taken so much care of him. She is incredible. Her spirit and her faith is amazing.
He is awake and doing okay, now. We were blessed to see him again yesterday and talked with him. He was cracking jokes and making us all laugh. He even gave me one of his famous bear hugs before we left. I am so thankful for that time that God blessed us with. It is not easy watching a loved one suffer so tremendously and for so long. We are being very prayerful in the days to come.
This has been a very tough week for his family and his friends. I wish I had happy news to share with you about my weekend, but this is reality. This is life. This is God’s plan, and I’m learning to have faith through good times and bad. I’m learning to praise God in this storm and every storm of my life. It’s not easy and downright painful at times, but God, I will praise you in this storm.
It’s My Birthday!
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This is me exactly 20 years ago! I haven’t aged a bit…right? 😉 |
Today is my birthday! I’m saying goodbye to 25 and hello to 26! Today really snuck up on me. I guess you don’t realize how fast time goes by and how your birthday isn’t near as exciting as a certain other birthday that happened 9 months ago. 26 sounds so much older than 25. I honestly don’t know how I’m going to top my 25th year. It was incredible and full of celebration as we welcomed our baby boy into the world. He has filled this year with so much love and joy and new experiences. I just can’t imagine topping it. However, I am looking forward to year 2 with Hampton, celebrating our 3rd wedding anniversary, traveling to new places, meeting new people, celebrating Hampton’s first birthday and more exciting things to come on my blog! I look forward to a new day, one year older, and I like to think, wiser.
Earlier this week, Ryan surprised me with a new laptop! I am beyond excited. I’ve had my other laptop since man invented the wheel and it had definitely run it’s course. It was so slow, but my new one is faster than the energizer bunny on spark. Needless to say, it was a well welcomed surprise! Thanks, babe!
As for birthdays, not to be all sappy or anything, but as I get older, I’ve realized more and more how important family and friends are in your life. Recent circumstances have made that even more apparent. We aren’t promised our next breath, so I’m not going to take a single one for granted. Tell your loved ones that you love them and how blessed you are to have them in your life. I feel incredibly blessed to be here and healthy today.
Now on to the festivities…!! 😉
What are your plans this weekend? What month is your birthday?
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