20 weeks pregnant // date night // cocoa and Hallmark Movies // The day we found out we were having a girl!
How far along: 21 weeks tomorrow!
Size of baby: 10 1/2″ long]about the size of a carrot
Gender: Our sweet baby Girl! We are beyond excited! I can’t wait to buy dresses and bows and take her to ballet class! Eek!
Movement: I’m feeling movement more often and she is definitely getting stronger in there!
Workouts: I’ve had a great workout week! I have had to slow up a bit more with running, but I have added a few extra walking miles to make it up.
Sleep: Sleep has still been pleasant. I’m not huge yet, so I have been pretty comfortable.
Maternity Clothes: I’m still sticking to leggings mostly, but I did wear a new pair of maternity black skinnies this past weekend. They were so comfortable. Sometimes, you just need to wear some jeans, you know?
Cravings: Still no cravings.
Favorite Moment This Week: Telling our families that we are expecting a girl! My mom and sister cried they were so excited! We are all so giddy to have a little dancer. Of course, my dad’s reaction was “Does this mean 20 more years of recitals?” haha
Looking Forward To: Shopping for our princess and working on Hampton’s big boy room. I am not going to start until after the holidays, but I am excited to get everything ready and organized.
Announcement // 14 Weeks // 15 Weeks // 16 Weeks // 17 Weeks // 18 Weeks // Gender Reveal
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