Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great Father’s Day weekend! We spent the day by the pool and it was perfect! Family time and lots of laughter is so good for the soul. This post has been one sitting in my drafts for a long time and I wrote it months ago, rewrote it and then this morning, I rewrote it again. The life of an enneagram 6…always overthinking. Let me be the first one to admit that trust is not something that comes easy to me. It is something I have to work on daily and be intentional about. I am constantly reassuring myself and needing constant reassurance from my husband. It is annoying (even for me at times) but it is how I am wired. I am not wise in this area, but after quite a bit of reading and research on the subject of trust and marriage, I feel prepared to share this list. If it is something you struggle with or if you are going through a rocky time in your marriage or maybe even a newlywed or newly engaged, my hope is that this will be a helpful starting point for you! I urge you to read what the bible says on the subject and to seek wise counsel.
When Ryan and I first got engaged, I read about five marriage books. I studied what the bible said on marriage. I wanted to know what I was getting into and wanted to feel as prepared as possible for that big life-altering step. I talked to older and wiser people about marriage, asked for advice and then some! I was sure I wanted to spend my life with him, but I wanted to do it right. I wanted (and still do) our marriage to be forever. Everyone had the same answers – keep God at the center of your marriage, communication is key and trust is vital.
How to Build Trust In Marriage:
Be open and honest with one another – even when it is hard.
Respect one another.
Communicate often, more often, and then some more.
Spend quality time together.
Be reliable – Don’t say it unless you plan to follow through with it.
Be quick to forgive (and apologize when you have done wrong).
Be genuine.
Manage your expectations with yourself and your spouse.
Show integrity – keep things private that your spouse has asked you to.
Take responsibility for your words and actions.
I found this quote and absolutely loved it and thought it would be the perfect way to end this post. “Real trust is not a trust that waits and hopes but a trust that acts from who you truly are. Real trust requires the discipline of being who you are in every circumstance and in every relationship. Real trust begins with yourself.”