How far along: 15 weeks!
Size of baby: 4″ long – about the size of an apple!
Gender:I still have no clue. My Doctor said she thinks it is a girl because the heart rate is much faster than Hampton’s was and it is sitting much higher in my stomach. We will see in 3 weeks!
What do you think it is Boy or Girl?
Movement: Not yet, but I’m hoping it will come soon!
Workouts: Thank goodness for TIU! These girls have encouraged me so much this week. I had a great workout week thanks to them!
Sleep: Other than getting up to use the bathroom about twice a night, I’ve been sleeping really well. 🙂
Maternity Clothes: Nope! I actually bought a pair of non-maternity pants last weekend that I am obsessed with! I’m hoping I can wear them for at least a couple more weeks! You may have seen them on IG! Yes, I love corduroy. Go ahead and call me grandma! haha
Cravings: Still no cravings. I’m actually kind of thankful for that. I craved cookies and milk with Hamp and gained so much extra weight thanks to that, so those cravings can take their time coming!
Favorite Moment This Week: Realizing I go to the Doctor next week and then 2 weeks after that we have our gender ultrasound! I’m getting excited to know who is in that belly!
Other Changes: No new changes other than the breakouts. They are still pretty bad. I’m hoping it clears up soon and isn’t something that will follow me through the entire pregnancy.
Looking Forward To: Finding out the gender in a few more weeks! I can’t wait to start picking out a name and preparing for our little one! I’m also excited to tell Hamp all about his little brother/sister! He won’t understand, but I’m going to try to prepare him as best I can.
Read my 15 week baby update from my pregnancy with Hampton here!
Pregnancy // 14 Weeks
How far along: 14 weeks!
Size of baby: 3.5′ long – about the size of a lemon.
Weight: I had gained 2 pounds, but lost a pound at my doctor appointment last week. Probably due to lack of appetite during that cold I had last week. :/ So, I would be back down to a pound except I gained another pound this week according to my at-home scale. So that’s a 2 pound gain for me!
Gender: I have no idea! I keep trying to picture myself with another boy or a little girl, but I just have no feelings yet of what it might be. Ryan thinks it’s a girl, but he also thought Hampton was a girl, so… haha
We have our gender ultrasound scheduled in four weeks! What do you think it is Boy or Girl?
Movement: Nothing yet. I thought I felt a flutter the other day, but I’m still too early to really feel anything yet.
Workouts: I’ve been running/walking 2 miles every day and keeping up with my TIU workouts as well. Since I was sick last week, I hardly worked out, so I got back after it this week and did really well.
Sleep: I’ve been sleeping pretty well. No complaints or discomfort yet!
Maternity Clothes: Not yet! My jeans are definitely getting a little snug so it probably won’t be long. I did just order a pair of corduroy pants from the Loft! I love them and can’t wait to wear them this winter! Did you know the Loft has maternity clothes? Online only!
Cravings: Nothing. I’m not kidding. With Hampton, I was all about tomatoes and them sweets. So far, I’ve had no cravings or aversions for that matter.
Favorite Moment This Week: My stomach popped out a little! I’ve been wondering when that would happen. I literally woke up Wednesday morning and squealed when I looked in the mriror! Finally! With Hamp, I was in maternity clothes at this point already and I was visibly showing by 10 weeks. I thought I would show earlier with this being my second pregnancy, but it has taken it’s time showing up. I’m glad it is finally showing up!
Other Changes: My face started breaking when I quit breastfeeding Hampton. I was hoping that this pregnancy would help my face clear up, but it has gotten a lot worse. It’s so gross and nothing I seem to do has helped. Any suggestions, mamas?
Ryan: Is probably more excited than I am about this pregnancy. I’ve been a little nervous about having 2 babies under 2, but he is thrilled. I don’t even think he was this happy over Hampton. haha It’s been really cute to watch him.
Looking Forward To: my growing belly! I can’t wait for it to show up! I am just hoping I don’t gain as much weight this time around. I gained way too much with Hamp (45 lbs.) but, so far I am doing a lot better this time around.
Read my 13 week bump date from my first pregnancy!
The Day We Found Out
I wanted to write about August 25th. The day we found out. 5 days after our close friend’s funeral, we were sitting in the living room early Monday morning talking about everything. We were planning for our vacation to my grandmother’s house in Jax Beach and talking about how difficult it would be to have a good time when we were still so upset and just not in the right frame of mind for a vacation. I started trying to pack about mid-morning and then I started feeling light cramps. I immediately looked at my calendar and guess what? I was over a week late. Surely I just wrote the wrong date down? I got a really sick feeling in my stomach trying to think about everything in the last month. We thought we were careful. Apparently, I have a really weird body that ovulates when it wants to aka VERY late (tmi? Sorry).
I took a pregnancy test and it said “pregnant” almost immediately. I stared in disbelief. I walked into the living room and showed Ryan. He smiled and then shook his head and said “are you serious?” I started crying. Okay, sobbing/freaking out/panicking. Ryan just kept laughing and smiling saying that it would be okay. We had a 10 month old. How on earth can I have another baby right now when my hands are already so full with him and work? Of course we want more children, but we had definitely planned to wait longer than this. We wanted to be in a new house before we had another child. This is definitely not ideal timing for US. Then I started thinking…over the next several weeks. Hampton wasn’t my timing, either. He came in God’s perfect time. I would have had him months sooner than I did if it were my timing. This one must be God’s perfect timing again. We have been nervous about our house, but in reality, there are people living in far far worse situations than we are and we can definitely make it work. We have been nervous about finances, but we know that God always provides.
After weeks of letting this “surprise” really sink in, we are growing more and more excited each day! Ryan has actually been a lot more excited than I thought he would be. I have been the one freaking out a good bit. haha Honestly though, this first trimester has not been as hard as my pregnancy with Hampton. That has been a wonderful blessing. I’ve been able to hide it a lot easier this time which was nice because we needed time for the news to set in with us first. I feel like God is definitely trying to teach me a lesson on His timing vs. mine.
In a way, this is a huge answered prayer. I have prayed since my pregnancy with Hamp that I would not have to get back on clomid to get pregnant again. I wanted it to be easier for my other pregnancies. God definitely answered that prayer in a big way. I am thankful for that and for a healthy baby/pregnancy so far.
I will start bump dates SOON! There isn’t much of a bump yet, but I will start sharing updates soon!
Read all about our Christmas miracle here.
Pregnancy Essentials For Each Trimester
Here are a few things I couldn’t have survived this pregnancy without…
1st Trimester:
During the 1st trimester, I was extremely sick. In fact, it went halfway through my 2nd as well. The things that seemed to help the most are really common sense, but Saltines, ginger ale, and lots of sleep. Taking naps when I felt horrible was a huge help. I woke up feeling refreshed and energized. I carried saltines or peanut butter crackers with me every where and any time I started to feel sick, I would eat a few. It really seemed to help.
2nd Trimester:
Hello heartburn! And then I discovered Tums. I’ve been popping them like candy ever since. My doctor said Tums are totally safe for pregnant women. I may have abused this information, but they have really helped get me through some rough nights.
Exercise helped my energy level and just made me feel good. Walking helped the most, but I did enjoy swimming on days that it was too hot to walk.
Yoga Pants. Who doesn’t love yoga pants? I work from home, so I basically live in them already, but I really appreciated them during this phase of my pregnancy when I didn’t feel big enough to wear maternity pants, but had already outgrown my normal clothes.
The heating pad saved my life. I had terrible sciatica pain for about a month. My doctor said it may or may not go away. Luckily it did! The heating pad really helped especially at night and in the mornings when my back was extremely stiff.
Pilates also helped with my back and hip pains. I really enjoyed prenatal Pilates and I think it really helped me stay somewhat flexible.
3rd Trimester:
Putting a king size pillow between my legs really helped my hips and back feel a lot better when I sleep. We already had them, and didn’t want to spend money on a pregnancy pillow. It is a great alternative.
Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. I have been so tired during the last 5ish weeks of this pregnancy. I can’t hardly focus on anything. I blame it on the pregnancy brain. I try to take naps on the weekends and go to bed early so that I can get as much sleep as possible.
Walking has also helped me feel good. I feel like it has helped me keep my strength and composure during these final weeks. It is also supposed to help you progress. I’m not sure if it really works or not, but it makes me feel like I’m doing something to help the process.
What are some things you couldn’t live without?
I had a bad moment earlier this week. I woke up and realized we are DAYS away from baby H’s due date. He will literally be here any day now. Am I ready for this? It’s going to hurt. I’m terrified of needles. Hospitals freak me out. Am I going to be a good mother? Will I suffer from postpartum? A million questions popped in my head. They were all very negative. I realized, this is satan. He is attacking my mind. I have been doing so well throughout this entire pregnancy. I haven’t posted about our difficulties in getting pregnant yet because every time I try to write it out, I get very emotional. I will post it sometime soon. Getting pregnant was not easy. Once I became pregnant I was really scared to get too attached in case something happened to the baby. Throughout all of this, I have been able to remain positive. Through the physical and emotional pain I have kept a smile on my face. I have held my head up and told myself “You can and will do this.” God answered our prayer in a huge way with this precious little boy. I’m already so in love with him. I can’t wait to meet him, but I’m terrified of the delivery coming up. I have had so many mixed emotions. In one way, I am so past ready for him to be here. We have been preparing for his arrival for months. In another way, I’m sad that this chapter of my life is closing. We will never be a family of two again. I will miss being able to hop in the car and drive to the beach on a whim. I will miss our alone time. As this chapter closes, I am reminded of God’s unfailing love and faithfulness to us even when we are not always faithful to him. I’ve been reading Philippians 4:6-7 over and over which says:
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
This has given me much comfort over the past couple of days. While I am still very nervous and anxious about the delivery, I know everything will be fine. I have an amazing doctor and several L&D nurse friends who will be up there. I know I will be well taken care of. Most importantly, I know my son will be taken care of. I know he will be healthy and I can’t ask for more than that. Mommy can’t wait to meet you, Hampton!!
38 Week Bumpdate
I had a pretty good appointment this week. No weight gain which is awesome, but my blood pressure was a little high. Luckily she didn’t put me on bed rest because I wasn’t in any pain and baby H’s heartbeat was good and strong. I am still at 1cm. and 50% effaced. I was a little disappointed that I had not progressed anymore than that because I have been walking every day, bouncing on my birthing ball and trying to keep moving. Hopefully next week I will have progressed more.
After a lot of thought, prayer, and talking with our doctor, family and friends, we have decided that I will be induced on the 24th if I still haven’t had him by then. That’s 12 days, y’all! I’m getting very anxious and I’m not giving up hope that he will come on his own before then. If not, we do at least have an end date in mind.
I feel pretty prepared. I am going to make some frozen meals this week and stock up on some things like toilet paper and hand soap. I’m also going to get my hair cut and we will be celebrating Ryan’s birthday. I will definitely be keeping busy. If I don’t stay busy, my mind starts ticking and I get really anxious.
We are so ready to meet our sweet boy. We are praying that no matter what happens, he will be healthy.
37 Week Bumpdate
Hello there! I am hoping and praying this is one of my last bumpdates. I can’t believe I am 37 weeks pregnant already! I am very aware that babies (especially first) come when they want to, so I’m not getting my hopes up that he will come early, but a girl can dream! I am definitely starting to get a little uncomfortable and our evening walks are getting tough. I went to the doctor today and we had our final ultrasound! Our little man weighed 6 lbs. on the nose! I’m so thankful we will have a normal size baby and not a 10.3 pounder like his father was. The doctor said she thinks he will be around 7.5 lbs. I am 1 cm. dilated and 40% effaced!
I’m trying not to rush these last couple of weeks because I want to savor every last moment of our family of two. I know things will never be the same. That makes me sad in one way but so excited in a BIG way for this next chapter of our lives. I can’t wait to see Hampton and hold him. I’ve been about to die to kiss those little feet that have been kicking me all this time. It’s weird to think there is a full grown baby in my stomach right now, but then he kicks and I’m quickly reminded that that is indeed the case. I can’t begin to tell you how thankful we are for this incredible blessing.
With all of that being said, I’m also getting very anxious and nervous about the delivery. I do NOT want a c-section. It is terrifying to me. I’m praying so hard for a natural delivery, and would greatly appreciate your prayers as well. Fingers crossed we have him soon! I’d be okay with going into labor any day now. Again, a girl can dream!
I’m off to eat some pineapple and bounce on my birthing ball! Have a lovely weekend!
A Male’s Perspective
My husband is taking over my blog today to talk about what the pregnancy process has been like for him. I’m so excited to share his thoughts with y’all! Thank you for writing this for me, babe! 🙂
So, Logan asked me if I would write a little something about what our pregnancy journey has been like from a guy’s point of view. So I am going to do my best to give you an honest, male perspective without embarrassing my wife and making women everywhere run at me with torches and pitchforks.
Baby Showers (Part 1)
Ryan and I have been so blessed with an amazing church family, family and friends. We have been so overwhelmed by their support, prayers and beautiful gifts over the past few months. Our little boy is already so blessed and has more clothes than I do. Our first shower was held in our church building and honored us and 3 other couples. It was a very special night.
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Silly friends! |
34 Week Bumpdate
How far along? 34 weeks
Baby Size: 5lbs. 19 inches (What to Expect app)
Weight Gain: 32 lbs.
Button: Belly button is neutral. I’m expecting it to pop any day now.
Feeling: Ready. We are getting so close. I am so ready to see my little man!
Maternity Clothes: All the time. I actually found some really cute black shorts at Khols for $6 this week! They have been a life saver.
Sleep: I’m not sleeping at all. I wake up almost every hour to Hamp moving or needing to go to the bathroom.
Miss Anything? Sleep. And of course my old body. I’ve had a hard time mentally, with this whole getting huge thing.
Movement: All the time! He is getting stronger every day.
Looking forward to: Our 36 week ultrasound! I am ready to see him again and find out his weight!
Bump: If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably seen pictures of my growing belly. It’s definitely out there now! I finally took a “belly picture” this week. I’ve been awful about that.
Exercise: I’m mostly walking. My doctor said that is the best thing for me right now. It will also help induce labor in the coming weeks.
Anything making you sick: Meat is making me sick again. Unless it’s in a cheeseburger. 🙂
Nursery: Our furniture FINALLY came in a couple of days ago, so I can breathe again. I will post pictures of the nursery when we finish it. I’m just thankful baby H won’t have to sleep in a drawer.
Favorite moment this week: Our baby showers which I will post about later, as well as watching Ryan put together the stroller. It was very entertaining, but he did it like a champ.