Here are a few things I couldn’t have survived this pregnancy without…
1st Trimester:
During the 1st trimester, I was extremely sick. In fact, it went halfway through my 2nd as well. The things that seemed to help the most are really common sense, but Saltines, ginger ale, and lots of sleep. Taking naps when I felt horrible was a huge help. I woke up feeling refreshed and energized. I carried saltines or peanut butter crackers with me every where and any time I started to feel sick, I would eat a few. It really seemed to help.
2nd Trimester:
Hello heartburn! And then I discovered Tums. I’ve been popping them like candy ever since. My doctor said Tums are totally safe for pregnant women. I may have abused this information, but they have really helped get me through some rough nights.
Exercise helped my energy level and just made me feel good. Walking helped the most, but I did enjoy swimming on days that it was too hot to walk.
Yoga Pants. Who doesn’t love yoga pants? I work from home, so I basically live in them already, but I really appreciated them during this phase of my pregnancy when I didn’t feel big enough to wear maternity pants, but had already outgrown my normal clothes.
The heating pad saved my life. I had terrible sciatica pain for about a month. My doctor said it may or may not go away. Luckily it did! The heating pad really helped especially at night and in the mornings when my back was extremely stiff.
Pilates also helped with my back and hip pains. I really enjoyed prenatal Pilates and I think it really helped me stay somewhat flexible.
3rd Trimester:
Putting a king size pillow between my legs really helped my hips and back feel a lot better when I sleep. We already had them, and didn’t want to spend money on a pregnancy pillow. It is a great alternative.
Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. I have been so tired during the last 5ish weeks of this pregnancy. I can’t hardly focus on anything. I blame it on the pregnancy brain. I try to take naps on the weekends and go to bed early so that I can get as much sleep as possible.
Walking has also helped me feel good. I feel like it has helped me keep my strength and composure during these final weeks. It is also supposed to help you progress. I’m not sure if it really works or not, but it makes me feel like I’m doing something to help the process.
What are some things you couldn’t live without?
Glad you're feeling good! Sprite got me through my first trimester and exercise has definitely helped since then!
Great tips! Glad you made it through and now have a lovely bundle of joy!
Amanda Rose