I had a pretty good appointment this week. No weight gain which is awesome, but my blood pressure was a little high. Luckily she didn’t put me on bed rest because I wasn’t in any pain and baby H’s heartbeat was good and strong. I am still at 1cm. and 50% effaced. I was a little disappointed that I had not progressed anymore than that because I have been walking every day, bouncing on my birthing ball and trying to keep moving. Hopefully next week I will have progressed more.
After a lot of thought, prayer, and talking with our doctor, family and friends, we have decided that I will be induced on the 24th if I still haven’t had him by then. That’s 12 days, y’all! I’m getting very anxious and I’m not giving up hope that he will come on his own before then. If not, we do at least have an end date in mind.
I feel pretty prepared. I am going to make some frozen meals this week and stock up on some things like toilet paper and hand soap. I’m also going to get my hair cut and we will be celebrating Ryan’s birthday. I will definitely be keeping busy. If I don’t stay busy, my mind starts ticking and I get really anxious.
We are so ready to meet our sweet boy. We are praying that no matter what happens, he will be healthy.
New to the blog! Congrats on the upcoming arrival of your LO! Our LO is 6 weeks today. 🙂
Tip: take coconut oil in your hospital bag and rub it on his tushy ASAP. That meconium stuff is thick, tarry stuff. Coconut oil helps keep it from sticking so it wipes right off and you don't feel like you're going to take baby's skin with it. 🙂
Yay!!!! Your baby is almost here! 🙂 Hopefully you progress soon!