One of our goals this year is to go on at least one date a month. We decided to make this a goal this year because last year, we did not do a good job of doing anything alone. We definitely did not date. It’s sad, I know, but we had three kid’s under three and amongst other things, it just was not easy to get away. While we did not feel that our relationship suffered by any means, we did decide to make a point to spend more one-on-one time together this year because it is important to keep the spark alive in your relationship with your spouse.
My mom out of the blue called me one day to ask if she could come over and watch our kids so that we could go on a date. I can not even tell you how excited we were! We ended up going to a movie (The Greatest Showman – you NEED to see it!) and dinner – just the two of us! It was so much fun and a much needed break from the kids. It was also just nice to get out with Ryan and do something fun for the first time in over a year. Sad, I know.
Here are three ways to keep the spark alive in your relationship:
Pray with them. I know that this may seem like a weird thing to associate with “sparks” and whatnot, but hear me out. Praying is one of the most intimate things you can do with someone. Praying with your spouse and keeping God at the center of your relationship is by far the most important thing we can do for our relationship. When you pray together, and for each other, everything else falls into place.
Date them. This is the one we are working on, obviously, but after last night, I was reminded why it is so important. Being able to talk without kids interrupting 500 times and doing something fun together, laughing together and making memories is what keeps a relationship fresh, exciting and fun.
Serve them. My husband’s love language is serving. He is such a servant and it comes so naturally to him. That is how he gives his love and how he feels it the most when I do things for him. This is not my love language, so it has taken some getting used to, but simple things like making his cup of coffee and taking it to him in the morning makes his day! Serving your spouse in small and big ways is huge. Even though it isn’t my love language, I still feel so special when Ryan does things for me. It is so appreciated and trust me, they notice and it makes them feel good to be taken care of.
How do you keep the spark alive in your relationship?
I love this so much – especially praying with your spouse! It’s vital to a healthy, God loving marriage!