As I sit here and drink my coffee, I can’t help but notice how quickly life has changed. Things have really started calming down here lately. For the first couple of months after having Sophie-Rae, I felt like every day we were in survival mode. Trying to keep Hampton from feeling like the rug had been pulled out from under him was not easy. He was still a baby himself when she was born. He didn’t understand that she was coming home with us from the hospital. Once she was home, he thought she was leaving. He knows now, and he loves her so much. He hugs her and kisses her and I’m not as worried as I was originally when he was acting out.
For a while it was chaotic, loud, 2 babies constantly screaming. Both wanting to be held at the same time. Having to change dirty diapers back to back all day, Feeling helpless most days because I felt like I was getting nowhere. I wasn’t making either of them happy. We were just barely making it through the day. I had time to feed them, clothe them, change diapers, bathe them and very very little time for anything else. I became very good friends with dry shampoos and t-shirts. It was so tough and I was in a complete fog.
Sophie-Rae is almost 4 months old now. My what a big difference a month and a half makes. In some ways, that feels like forever ago, and in some it feels like we just made it out of that cloud. Mornings are now fun and enjoyable. They are filled with my boy screaming “Mama” from his crib, waffles, favorite story books and lots of laughter.We are getting into more of a routine and things are feeling somewhat “normal” again. My baby girl is (mostly) sleeping through the night now and is doing great. Thanks to a bit of acid reflux, she is still really tiny and hasn’t put on much weight, but she is perfect in every way.
I love watching my babies together. Hampton loves to give her Eskimo kisses and she always smiles so big at him. She loves to lay in the floor and watch her big brother play and he has even shared his Thomas the Train toys with her. That’s big, folks!
While those first 2 months were so so hard and tiring, they were worth it. Change is hard. For me, for my baby boy and for everyone. Once you get the hang of it, you begin to forget how things were before. You get accustomed to your new normal and you wouldn’t have it any other way.