What better way to kick off the warmer months with a PayPal cash giveaway! I’ve teamed up with some wonderful bloggers to offer you the chance to win $115. Just enter in the rafflecopter below!
Memorial Day Printable
Be sure to check out GraphicStock and make your own printables, invitations and whatever else your heart desires!
38 Weeks Pregnant + F I V E
O N E.
I will be 38 weeks pregnant tomorrow! We are officially in the home stretch! I had a great check-up this week! Baby SR is already 7lbs. and has lots of hair just like her brother! She also has little rolls on her thighs! Ah, I died! She is head down and ready to go! My Doctor told me it could literally be any day.I wouldn’t hate it if she came on. I’m still feeling pretty good, just large and getting to that uncomfortable point. Although, I feel a million times better this time than I did with H. I’m thankful for that. Be sure to follow me on Instagram for baby updates!
T W O.
I have had a couple of giveaways on my blog this week! Did you see them? Enter this giveaway to win $15 Paypal Cash and if you are a new mom, expecting, or know someone who is, enter this giveaway to win an adorable onesie (of your choice) from TuTu Sweet in Pink Boutique!
T H R E E.
My awesome MIL texted me this week and offered to keep H for us tonight so that Ryan and I can go on a date and enjoy a night to ourselves before SR arrives! I am SO excited! Ryan has been super busy this past month and I feel like I’ve hardly seen him. We definitely could use this time alone right about now. I’m also excited to hopefully get a little bit of uninterrupted cleaning done. It’s going to be a great weekend!
F O U R.
Last weekend, we took Hampton to see Thomas the Train. We rode him and met Sir Topham Hatt! It was a huge deal to my little boy who is absolutely in love with Thomas. I almost cried when he saw him for the first time. His little face lit up and he was so happy! Later that day, Hampton started looking awful. His eyes were swollen and he broke out in a rash. I thought he was having an allergic reaction to something, but it turns out he had Roseola virus. He has also been battling a double ear infection. I ran him to the Doctor and we found out the antibiotic he had been on was not even working. It was pitiful. Needless to say, we have spent most of our week inside resting. My little man is finally acting better and his rash has cleared up. I’m so ready to have my crazy little toddler back! 🙁
F I V E.
Weekly Round Up:
Check out these delicious Strawberry Lemonade Popsicles I made last weekend! They are so delicious and perfect for a warm day out in the sun!
Tuesday, I shared My Morning Routine with you and my new favorite yogurt flavor!
I showed off a little bit of my nerdy side with my new glasses.
Yesterday, I shared my new diaper bag with a checklist of what to put in it for the new baby! Also, don’t forget to enter to win a onesie from TuTu Sweet in Pink Boutique! They are SO cute!
What are you up to this weekend?
Quick and Easy Snacks for Your Springtime Picnic + $15 Paypal Cash Giveaway
Springtime is officially here and in full swing! The weather has been so beautiful and WARM (finally!!!) this week! Warm weather makes me want to do two things: swim and go on a picnic! Hampton and I went on a picnic last week and had so much fun, but this time we included Ryan! We had the perfect afternoon snack-time picnic yesterday, and really enjoyed being together. Of course, savings at Publix (more on these savings later) and Klondike Ice Cream Bars added to that enjoyment! Ryan actually got me hooked on these after I met him. What a bad influence he is! haha They are definitely one of my guilty pleasures.
For healthier snack alternatives, we also pack:
-Fiber One Chewy Bars
-Nature Valley Breakfast Biscuits
Publix is hosting a Snack Share and Save Event where you will save $5 on your purchase of $25 or more on participating snack items when you share with your friends! Find out more details here.
Giveaway Time!! Enter to win $15 paypal cash by entering in the rafflecopter below! I will choose a winner on April 23rd. Good luck!
P.S. Check out my post on How To Have The Perfect Picnic!
What do you like to take on your picnics? Don’t forget to check out these great savings at Publix!
Five on Friday
Hampton and I went on 2 playdates this week. It has been so nice to get out and enjoy the weather. We go on walks almost every day, but it was fun to do something different. Tuesday we went to the zoo and Wednesday we had a picnic at the park. Did you catch my toddler playdate ideas I shared yesterday? Get out and enjoy the weather!
I am giving away a pair of Ralph Lauren Sunglasses from Sunglasses Shop! Be sure to stop by and enter. Everyone needs a new pair of sunnies for the summer!
My baby turned 17 months old earlier this week. I can’t believe how grown he is. He is talking so much more and acting so much older. He is still very into Thomas the train and I am so excited to surprise him with tickets to ride Thomas and meet Sir Topham Hatt next month.
I will be 35 weeks pregnant tomorrow. What? I literally can’t believe it. It feels like yesterday that I told Ryan I was 30 weeks and we only had 10 more to go. Now, we are down to 5 weeks. I still have so much to buy. I don’t know if it’s the 2nd child or what, but I have not been as prepared this time. PLEASE help me out and list all of your baby gear you couldn’t live without! Specifically for a baby girl. Any Etsy shop recommendations? Must have items?
SC Johnson is holding a sweepstakes where you can win a $200 Visa Gift Card, Bose System and Tons of cleaning supplies. All you have to do is take this quick quiz! You also get free coupons at the end of the quiz! It’s definitely worth checking out! Click here to take the quiz!
I hope you all have a great weekend! Don’t forget to tell me what your favorite baby gear and shops are in the comments!
30 Week Pregnancy Update + Giveaway
And now onto the giveaway!

Romantic Paypal Cash Giveaway

Potato Side Dish Recipes + $15 Paypal Cash Giveaway
Thank you to Betty Crocker for sponsoring today’s post. Paypal cash was provided by Betty Crocker through Linqia.
My favorite thing served at our wedding were loaded potatoes. We had a “Loaded Potato Bar” set up and it was a huge hit with all of our guests. These Betty Crocker Potato Mixes are absolutely great for the perfect Holiday side dish. Out of the 11 potatoe varieties, I chose to purchase the “Loaded” kind so that I can set up a loaded potato bar just like we had at our wedding. I’m a huge potato lover so I am always on the look for potato side dish recipes. I am so excited to try this one out on all of my family.
The Betty Crocker potato mixes are so easy to make! You can bake them or cook them on the stove top. I chose to cook mine on the stove and they turned out great. To make the potatoes, you follow their easy directions on the back of the box.
I found the Betty Crocker potato mixes at Walmart with the boxed dinners. They were actually on display in the center aisle as well.
After cooking the potatoes, I added chives and then set up my potato bar. I included bacon bits, cheese and sour cream. My family is pretty plain and simple, so I didn’t think we needed any other additives. My potato bar was a hit! All of my family loved it and it was so quick and easy to make and set up. I will definitely be doing this again at future parties and gatherings.
Be sure to visit Betty Crocker to download a $0.50 off coupon so you can make my rendition or your own holiday potato recipe!
I am also giving away $15 Paypal cash to one lucky winner! To enter, leave a comment telling me where you would buy your Betty Crocker Potatoes and what kind of dish you would make?
I will choose a winner January 2nd! Good Luck and #GetYourBettyOn!
Congratulations, Darby!
Proud Supporter of Messy Hair and Sweat Pants
As a new mom, my wardrobe, most days, consists of yoga pants and T-shirts. As much as I love to get dressed up, it’s really hard to get motivated to dress nice knowing I will be working from home all day and chasing around a 10 month old. Let’s be real. I normally have spit up, pee and some kind of food on me by 9am. Because of this, it is with great honor and pleasure that I received this adorable baseball tee to wear. It is my anthem now days, after all.
I am a proud supporter of messy hair and sweat pants. Don’t believe me? Show up at my house when we aren’t expecting you. No further proof needed. 😉
I am in love with this top! It is so soft and comfortable! Perfect for every day. It’s so cute and can be styled a million different ways. It can be worn with jeans, yoga pants, sweat pants, black pants or shorts and the list goes on. It is so versatile and I mean, come on. Every mom needs one.
I love to add accessories to my wardrobe as well. I have only recently started accessorizing more. I have seen so many cute bags/purses/jewelry that it’s tough to resist it. Isn’t this clutch so adorable? Guess what? It is up for grabs! That’s right! Windsor is giving it away to one of my lucky readers! Just enter in the rafflecopter below:
Disclaimer: This product is being given away by Windsor store. Only U.S. residents may enter.
Back To School Target Giveaway
Can you believe we are already at the end of August? I mean, what? Where did the time go? My baby is about to be 10 months old. That is not okay. A lot of you or your kids have gone back to school, or are about to start back. Everyone could use a little extra help, right? Right. So I am really excited to be participating in Helene’s Back To School Target Giveaway! Enter in the rafflecopter below: