Happy Friday, loves! We have had a very busy week with work and the kids, so we are SO ready for the weekend. I will be playing catch up around the house and Ryan will be getting ready to go to the Masters. I know, I’m jealous. I’ve got some really excited things coming up on my blog and Instagram next week, so make sure to follow along here if you don’t want to miss it!
I have finally started working on my email list. I know, I’ve been blogging for almost 5 years without an email list. #teambloglovin… HUGE no no. So, I have started one and will be sending out a newsletter very soon! Do you guys like to receive weekly, bi-weekly or monthly emails? I haven’t quite decided which way to go yet, but definitely wanted to ask your opinions. You can sign up to receive my blog emails here!
Sophie got to open an early birthday present this week and she is completely smitten with her new little mermaid doll! Cuddle and Kind is a brand that I have loved for a while now and it was time to snag one for Soph! As much as she loves her dolls, it was really no surprise how much she loved her “baby, baby doll.” For every doll purchased, Cuddle and Kind gives 10 free meals to children in need. I love supporting companies who give back, and I know many of you do, too! They have the cutest dolls! I also love this one and this one for the boys!
We have been making stir fry about once a week for the last couple of months as an attempt to get the kids to eat more vegetables. It hasn’t worked really well for them, but Ryan and I are HOOKED on this stir fry sauce! We throw chicken (cubed), broccoli, green beans, carrots and snap peas in the wok and make some rice on the side. It is absolutely delicious.
We are finally starting to put our office together. Ryan put our new desks from IKEA together last weekend and now I just have a lot of cleaning out to do and a couple more boxes to unpack (mostly books, go figure) and then I can start decorating! I am so excited that we will both have a space to work around our house. For too long, we have both worked in the living room/bedroom/kitchen/anywhere we can… I am so happy that we will have a designated space and I’m hoping it will help me get more organized as well.
In case you missed my tweet, Weston was gifted some new toys this week and I am so excited to share about them next week. He has absolutely loved them. He is starting to play in the floor more and more and is actually enjoying tummy time now. He has also started pulling his knees up under him in a half-crawl position and I am definitely not ready for that. Not at all. He is way too young and too little to be doing those kind of tricks. I thought it was a fluke thing at first but he has been doing it all week, so it is definitely not a fluke. It’s true what they say, #BabiesDon’tKeep. And it makes me a little sad.
I hope you have a great weekend! Relax, and be intentional with your time and your loved ones! xoxo
I LOVE that they give back with meals for kids!! That is awesome! Definitely checking them out!!
Stir frys are the best and make for a great, healthy dinner!
That mermaid doll is SO cute!!!
I constantly make stir frys because they’re so simple – I’m going to have to try that recipe!
That is the cutest doll!