Our Valentine’s Day was nothing special this year. It was any ordinary Tuesday. Hampton went to school and enjoyed his Valentine’s Day party and that made me so happy. The boys have been feeling sickly again this week, so we got outside in the beautiful weather and played…and played and played. We walked and talked and played golf and went to the playground and I wouldn’t have traded it for the world. I even let the kids pig out on a little candy with me. It was a treat for us all!
Bow c/o Sweet Baby Fern // Shoes c/o Livie and Luca
While our Valentine’s days may look a little different now, I love spending them with my kiddos. Why? Because Hampton’s face lit up when he got to bring a big red balloon home from school. And when Sophie saw it and got to hold it, her face lit up, too. They get so excited over the littlest things and it puts life into an all new perspective for me. It makes every detail so special.
Ryan and I ended the night watching This Is Us in our PJs and it was the perfect ending to the day!
So, I hope you enjoyed your Valentine’s day and enjoy the little things in life every day. 😉
Valentine’s Day definitely looks different with kids, but that’s ok. We got takeout and also watched This Is Us!
It is my favorite show on TV right now! I hope you had a lovely V-day!