Pinch me! My baby boy is three years old today. In some ways it feels like it has been every bit of three years and in some ways it feels like I had him yesterday. Looking back at photos of him seems like it all just happened, and yet, here we are. Motherhood is funny like that, I guess.
Hampton. my sweet baby boy. You are so kind and use your manners better than any three year old I know. You are very orderly and like to have things lined up, in order, etc. It reminds me very much of me and your daddy, so I suppose you get it honestly. There is nothing wrong with being organized, so keep doing your thing. I love how excited you get over the tiniest little things. Having your school class sing “Happy Birthday” to you made your entire week. You are an awesome little athlete and love to play outside. You are so smart, but the thing I am most proud of is how much you love the Lord, saying your precious prayers every night, going to church and seeing your “church friends” and your sweet spirit. I can’t wait to see what you accomplish in your life.
This year, you have made it a whole year with you baby sister pulling on you and have handled it very well. You are almost completely potty trained (finally!!). You have stopped sleeping almost entirely. Most nights, you wake us up watching the iPad at 1a.m. Most successful people only sleep a few hours a night, so maybe you will be really successful? Either way, you are wearing mommy and daddy out with your crazy sleep patterns. You recently decided you don’t want to eat anything brown because it’s “dirty.” You love pumpkins, Curious George, Thomas the Train and Ninja Turtles. You walk just like your daddy, but your face is 100% your mama’s. You are strong-willed and are a very good big brother to Sophie. I can’t wait to see how you are with your baby brother who is due any day now!
We love you so much and can’t wait to see how much you grow and change this year. We are looking forward to seeing you become a big brother again, continue to thrive during your first year of school and moving into our new house in a couple of weeks! There are lots of changes in store for you, little one, but I know you will handle it like a champ. You are my #1 snuggler and I hope you always are. I love you baby boy! Happiest of birthdays!
Oh I LOVE his name!!! I’m all about the creative boy names and you nailed it. He is an absolute doll!
Awe, happy birthday to your little guy! These photos are so sweet!
Lee Anne
Happy Birthday, Hampton! What beautiful photos of an adorable little guy. I hope he had an amazing day! xo