I was sitting down thinking the other day – I know, dangerous – the last couple of months I have had a harder time focusing and getting anything accomplished. It has been so discouraging and frustrating. Keeping up with our laundry alone has been a struggle. I guess that is to be expected given that we have been living out of boxes for the last 8 weeks and have a full house. Things have been hectic and crazy. Hampton has been really acting out. I’m assuming this is terrible twos? He has turned into a moody two-year-old teenager and it has been very frustrating and tiring. Also, now that Sophie is crawling, I have two children who are into everything! As I was sitting down to go over the simple goals I had made for myself a couple of weeks ago, I noticed I haven’t really been meeting many of them.
2016 Goals:
- Complete the TIU 8 week challenge. Well, I have done 2 days of workouts since it started 3 weeks ago. Not good. I have had really good intentions every day, but it just hasn’t gotten done.
- Be fully committed to my church and life group. I have been successful with this, although this was honestly the easiest goal I made.
I have accomplished a few things, and improved in a couple of areas, but the whole organization thing just isn’t going to happen until we move. I have accepted that, but it hasn’t been easy.
While I was sitting around thinking about everything, I also realized all of the good that has been present in our lives throughout the last 8 weeks. We have been able to live at my parent’s house and save lots of money to buy a house. We have been here for my family when they needed us most. I finally made the big switch to WordPress. Sophie’s acid reflux has gotten a little better and she has started crawling and pulling up everywhere.
There have been some good things happening and I don’t ever want them to be ignored or masked with the other things. I think it is so important to focus on the good in the world in order to stay sane and positive.
This weekend we will be celebrating my sister’s 21st birthday and enjoying a fun weekend with the family! I am so looking forward to having a fun and relaxing weekend after such a crazy week. I’m still learning to embrace life’s little obstacles, but I feel like we can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. And, one day, I will be able to get organized again. 😉
Have a great weekend, loves! Are you meeting your goals?
Hello Logan,
I know how you feel i have been meeting any goals either. But you have two kids so give yourself a break im sure you will meet your goals. x
I know that feeling! It’s tough to accomplish everything, but I hope you can give yourself a break! <3
Oh, I so know how you feel. The good news is that it is early in the year! There is a lot of time to get on track and get those goals accomplished. You will achieve those goals!
Hey, don’t be too hard on yourself! You still have 11 months to work on your goals.
xoxo, Jenny
The hardest aspect of goal-setting (and goal-meeting) is to recognize that I won’t be able to change overnight and that I don’t have to be perfect to continue forward with my goals. I tend to let one bad day ruin everything, throw in the towel, and start over a few days (weeks, months, never) later. I think it’s important to remember that everyone struggles with making positive change and that there is lots of support out there! Keep going!
Why are we so hard on ourselves. Maybe unrealistic goals? Or biting off too much for us to take on?? I struggle also. Importantly, acknowledge the little and all together the make a large impact