Here are 10 Reasons I Love America and you should, too:
Freedom of Speech. Pretty obvious, no? Not only do I love the fact that as Americans, we can speak freely, but we can do so on national television while making absolute fools of ourselves a.k.a., reality T.V. That brings me to my next point.
You didn’t hear? Anyone can be on a reality show! Just marry rich, have a bunch of kids, get divorced and, bam! Reality show. Our freedom of speech rights create a lot of entertainment, that’s for sure. Thanks, reality T.V.!
Football. This may be more of a southern thing, but when football season rolls around, it’s okay and even acceptable to avoid certain friends and family members because they pull for the opposing team. In fact, if you’re nice to them and invite them over for your Iron Bowl party, everyone will hate you for it. There will be trash talking involved. Maybe a few thrown chips…either way, things are sure to get interesting. Football is life during the fall season, and year round for some. Wear your team colors proud.
Holidays. Did you know we have a day dedicated to most all food, drinks, and inanimate objects as well as people? Every day on Instagram I’m finding out from someone that it is national hotdog day, or national white chocolate mocha day. Who knew we had so many holidays?
Speaking of hotdogs, that’s reason enough to love America, is it not? Add a little ketchup and mustard and your good to go!
Everyone works out. Everywhere I look someone is jogging, on their way to the gym, swimming, climbing things, jumping off of things and calling it “exercise.” Women (and some males) are pinning workout tips and gear on Pinterest which makes working out so tempting and seem so glamorous. I can wear pretty tanks and leggings and take selfies at the gym? Sign me up! After all, everyone is doing it!
Our portion sizes are nearly (or maybe are) double the size of every other country’s. I had to go to a McDonald’s in Paris because the little French cafe gave us hardly any food on our plate. I have been really spoiled being brought up by women who cook – a lot. They prepare food for what looks like 10 when only expecting 5 and worry about not having enough. We rarely have leftovers. Maybe this is why everyone is obsessed with exercising? I can’t imagine why we have an obesity problem.
Everyone is so friendly. I can walk to any of my neighbors houses and ask for a cup of sugar, and they’d invite me in, fix me a cup of coffee and send me home with a whole bag of sugar and freshly baked cookies. No really, that has happened to me. People are so willing to help others. A woman passed out in church a few weeks ago and at least 10 people helped her up and took her into the lobby to check on her during the sermon. We go on evening walks and always get stopped at least 4 or 5 times to talk to neighbors who check on the baby, give him gifts, etc. It’s like Mayberry.
Instagram. We live to take pictures of our food, coffee, kid’s, outfits, the sky, whatever! Our entire week is worked around what we are going to post for Throwback Thursday or Woman Crush Wednesday. #mcm #tbt #wcw #fbf I can’t say it any better than this song. Have a listen, and #LOL
Finally, on a more serious note, we are patriotic. We have so many young (and old, I assume) men and women that sign up to protect us. They devote their lives to our protection and freedom so that we can do things like raise our children in peace, participate in #tbt, and watch our favorite reality shows without limits (unless you don’t have tivo). Our children are taught the pledge of allegiance as soon as they can speak and many children know it in multiple languages now days. The American flag is flown every where and Americans are proud of their country. We can disagree on politics, but we come together in tragedies and war. We come together to celebrate holidays like Memorial Day because we are proud of our troops. We love them and the hard work they put in to protecting us and the time they give up with their own families to do so.
Happy Memorial Day weekend! Lay out by a pool, eat a few hotdogs, sing songs about America and relax! I know I will be. 🙂
Why do you love America? What are your plans this holiday weekend? Will you be laying by a pool or going to the beach?
haha some of these are so funny, and so true, while others are a bit ridiculous haha! i will say, compared to where i am from, where i live now, people are so gosh darn polite its made me a nicer person 😉 i am excited for the 3 day weekend!
I love it!!!! We are nice, aren't we? And I always take pics of my food. I, too, love America! Happy Memorial Day! Great post – pinning!
This is great! We do indeed live in a great country! These are pretty funny, but they're all true. I can't wait to go to the lake this weekend. Happy Memorial Day!
xoxo Lauren
Such a great post for Memorial Weekend 🙂 Thanks for the laugh and for encouraging me to think about why I like our country 😉
Hahaha loved this post, definitely love the the portion size. That's the assumption here x
I'm Canadian so our long weekend was last week, but happy Memorial Day weekend Neighbour!
Freedom is priceless. How some people use it baffles me, but whatever tickles your pickle right?! Even if it's taking a photo of said pickle and uploading it to instagram!
I love America too!
These are cute! I'm not American, but living and going to college here for the last few years have opened my eyes to some of these!
xo caro, the caro diaries
Hi Logan – What a beautiful tribute to our great country! I would love for you to stop by and link up to our Patriot's Palooza party going on through Monday – it is a special party to celebrate Memorial Day and our troops and heroes.
Happy Memorial Day! Hugs, Holly
I love your number ten amen girl,, yes and ameeen again thank you to the soldiers and happy memorial day
Number 10 is my favorite. 🙂 <3
As much as we like to complain, we have to remember that we have the RIGHT and freedom to complain! Thanks for the reminders!
We will be hanging out at home and cooking hot dogs over an open flame after we do some school work to learn about Memorial day. We rarely get a whole day with Dad home so we are excited to just relax with him home.
Stopping by from the Patriot's Palooza–haha there's no place like home! Great list 🙂
I'm totally with you for number 10! I live in Italy (from Virginia) and NO one is patriotic. I actually new it was liberation day while they just figured it was a day off from work!! Missing the USA on this great Memorial Weekend!!!
Hope you had a great weekend! We BBQed, laid in the pool, and watched a movie!
This list is spot on. Like… perfect! Man, there is nothing better than watching some football, while eating a hot dog, Instagraming your Sunday Funday outfit while using your freedom of speech to share your thoughts on said game!
Your work is totally enthusiastic and informative.
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What a funny and serious post! I do love freedom of speech and being patriotic and hot dogs and…. Well you covered a bunch of things! 🙂 Thanks for a great reminder. Have a great day!