Dear Fall, thank you for finally hitting the great state of Alabama with your cool mornings this week. It has been a nice and welcomed change. Dear husband, thank you for keeping me sane during my nesting phase and putting up with me this week when I asked you to put 1,000 things together. You are a real trooper and baby H and I are lucky to have you. Dear neighbor, as sweet as you are, I just can’t handle when you ask me if I’m having triplets while I’m out exercising. Obviously I am about to pop and my confidence is a little low as it is. You probably shouldn’t ask any other pregnant woman that question again because they may not be as nice as I was. Dear Starbucks, thank you for your incredible Pumpkin Spice Lattes and for my third craving this pregnancy. Thank you also for spilling my drink and giving me 2 free ones for the inconvenience which really wasn’t an inconvenience to me. Dear Hampton, please come a week or two early. Mommy wouldn’t be mad if you did. In fact, it is encouraged. We are so ready to meet you. Dear Florida Gators, please don’t embarrass your fans tomorrow like you did two weeks ago. You about made a pregnant woman cry. I would really love it if coach Mushroom gave you a stern talking to and you pulled out a win.