Henley Top (wearing small) // Maternity Jeans (TTS – wearing 4)// Boots (TTS – wearing 8) // Beanie
I am that girl who loves to make new goals every year…really, every month. I make monthly and annual goals. This year is no different. I have some really simple goals, tough goals and blog goals that will only be met by the grace of God, but I am choosing to have faith and just go for it.
Annual Goals for 2019:
- Last year, I had a goal of growing to 30k followers on Instagram. I did not even come close to that. I gained around 3k, which is slow and steady and I am grateful for that growth, but I am going to be more intentional with my posting on there and hopefully hit my 30k (or more) this year.
- Two date nights a month. That should not be difficult, but for us, it has been. Most months this past year, Ryan was gone two out of 4 weeks a month and that made date nights tough. This year, we are hoping for less travel, so I am determined to make this happen.
- Read two books a month. Now that I have started listening to more audio books, I’m hoping that will help speed up my reading. Last year I think I read 4 books total. So sad. haha
- Take my kids on date nights once a month, each. This may not happen every month because that would be a lot…but if I could at least do it regularly, that would be huge! One-on-one time is so important to me and them. They look forward to special time and it is so good for all of us.
- Exercise for 30 minutes every day. I will increase once I’m cleared after baby, but for now, that’s about all I can do without swelling. haha I am going to do the Love Your Body Challenge by Tone It Up again this year! It will be my 5th year doing it! I will be doing modifications for pregnancy, but am looking so forward to it! Sign up for the challenge ( it’s free) here! It begins on January 14th!
- Drink 80 to 100 oz. of water a day… Hello nursing, again. I’ve been easily getting to 80 oz. a day, but I’m hoping to increase that a little more once baby boy gets here!
- Clean for 1 hour a day. This should be easy, right? Some days, it seems impossible, but I am determined to do it and keep our home less cluttered and much more clean in 2019. I am currently doing the simplified challenge by Emily Ley on Instagram and It is very easy and helpful in starting off the year a little bit less cluttered! It only takes 15 minutes a day and it is not too late to catch up! It’s 15 minutes a day for 30 days! Jump in the challenge with me!
- Set work hours. I have been terrible about this during my six years of blogging, but I am at a point now where it is necessary. I need a set time to work and get some writing/social media stuff done instead of doing it when I have time, or staying up way too late to do it. It has not been working very well, so setting hours will hopefully help.
- Diversify and grow all platforms. I have a big goal of growing my email list this year. That is going to require some work, but I am hoping to grow it quite a bit over the next few months. Be sure to sign up here! Also, I really want to grow on all of my social media platforms and diversify a little bit. So much has focused on Instagram, but my audience is also on Pinterest and Facebook and I desperately need to focus on those platforms this year.
I am sure I will set more fitness goals after baby comes and I always set smaller goals each month to help me accomplish my annual goals. It really helps having short term and long term goals. I find that having something to work towards keeps me motivated and more on top of things. If goal-setting is not your thing, I totally get that, but for me, it is very helpful in keeping me focused and on track.
Thank you for a wonderful year in 2018. I hope to be an even better resource for you in this new year. If you have any ideas on how I can best serve you or have any post ideas for me to write, please let me know! Your feedback is vital to me making this space what it needs to be to best serve you. Have a great Wednesday and let’s start 2019 off with a BANG!
What are some of your goals? Tell me in the comments!
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