Mornings with my Sophie have been so special these last couple of weeks. After I drop Hampton off at MMO, I love to spend quality time with her. It won’t be just the two of us for much longer, and I don’t know how often it will be just me and my girl after the baby comes, so I’m trying to take advantage of every moment with her.
Bow: c/o EandLBaby
Lately we have been getting up, getting dressed, reading tons of books and singing songs. She is a huge reader right now. She loves books and brings me book after book from their shelf all day, every day. While she definitely has her favorite stories, she brings me different books throughout the day so we read many stories and have quite the pile of books to clean up every night. I don’t mind it, though.
She is also very into her baby dolls right now. She always has to have one with her. I’m hoping this is a good sign that she is ready for a baby brother. I asked her this morning if she wanted mommy to have another baby and she replied “yeah.” I doubt she is totally ready, but I definitely feel better about it than I did a few weeks ago. I am praying she adjusts okay to not being the “baby” anymore…even though she is still a baby.Today, I’m going to soak up our time together and enjoy every second of being with her. After all, us girls have to stick together! We are about to be outnumbered.
She looks so happy!
So precious! It’s always special having that one on one time!
SO adorable.