I have to say, if you would have told me 4 months ago that my life would look the way it does right now, I may not have believed you. If I told you everything that has happened over the last 3 months, you wouldn’t believe me. In fact, everyone who has asked me what’s going on, all I can say to them is… “maybe one day I’ll write a novel…”
Anyways… Our living situation (at my parent’s house) is not a secret to any of you. As nice as it has been to save a ton of money these last 6 weeks, we are more than ready to be in a home of our own again. So, when life hands you lemons…drive to Birmingham!
coat c/o She In // pants // top (similar) // scarf (on sale!)
On Sunday, we decided to drive to Birmingham after church to get out of town for a while and spend some time as a family. A house that we have been kind of interested in happened to be having an open house and so we figured we would go and check it out. I prayed really hard all day that God would reveal to me if this were “the one.” I prayed multiple times and prayed very specific prayers. He gave me an answer, but it wasn’t exactly the one I wanted to hear at the time.
We got to the house and absolutely hated it. We were so bummed and felt like we had wasted an entire trip there. Of course, the neighborhood was beautiful and had a cute little park that we played at for a while (which was a big hit with Hamp), but still. It was disappointing. Until…
We drove back home and went to life group. When we told a couple of our close friends where we had been, they were pretty adamant that we needed to stay in our city. It really made me question everything. Honestly, when I am feeling uncomfortable in a situation, I run. It just seems easier. So, things are not that great right now. And I want to run.
The difference is, I have an incredible husband who is a rock. He is amazing. I have been able to cry, yell, panic, and every other emotion you can think of and he listens, loves me and helps me think level-headed through the insanity. He has helped me tremendously. I also have my two babies who have kept me laughing through the chaos. I am very thankful for these three blessings of mine. I don’t know what I would do without them. They are my everything.
hat (on sale!)
My family is going to be just fine. We will find a house – eventually. We will all get used to our new normal. Things will calm down. This is life in the world we live in. “Satan comes around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” Even the ones who live right. But our God is greater. Fast-forward to the end of this story: He wins. The rest doesn’t matter. I am thanking Him for reminding me of that in the midst of this storm. I was getting too comfortable in a sinful world before.
Great Post! I can totally relate to how you’re feeling.
We’ve been in our new home, our own home, for coming up 2 months. 2 glorious months. But it wasn’t always so glorious…
My Husband was raised by his grandparents and has always lived at home. When I moved in with him at the age of 20 we were there for nearly 4 years. Just having moved into our new home, like I said. Anyways, his grandparents had another home they bought out of state that they were at 95% of the time and we were at home living with my husbands uncle who still lived at home. and it was HELL. My husband and his uncle don’t get along…at all. And for 2 years I’d been crying to get out of the house but we couldn’t afford it. I seriously thought we’d die in that house. It caused SO much built up anger towards his family and caused a lot of tension. My husbands aunt, uncle, and cousins lived across the street so they were constantly at our house taking the uncle we lived with side of the arguments. Finally in June of 2015, when I turned 25, I looked at my husband and said “We’re leaving.” We had celebrated our 1 year anniversary in April and I didn’t want to live “at home” anymore. We looked and looked for a house, just like we had been for the last 2 years. And nothing was working out. Finally in October we got word that his grandparents were selling and we could either buy the house from them or move out. We chose to move out, we also cant afford to buy right now.
After our long, failed search…We got word that the house my husbands dad lived in for 20 years was open for renting and we jumped. We’ve been here for almost 2 months and I’ve never been happier. God had plans..and I can’t wait to see what happens next.
Good Luck! Just breathe and trust in God.
-Ashlee Michelle
Wow! That is crazy! I am so happy for you guys and glad you found somewhere! It can definitely be really hard on a marriage when you don’t get enough alone time or have a lot of family tension. I’m glad y’all got everything worked out so you could move. You are so right – God is always working and He know exactly what He is doing. I am definitely trusting His plan. Thank you for your encouragement!
You have a great attitude about it! Keep it up, and don’t get too discouraged. ..God has a plan!
Thank you! I totally agree!
I pray that God will grant you the desires of your heart and bless you with a beautiful home soon…God bless your lovely family…
Thank you so much!
Sending you big hugs and lots of good house-finding vibes. House-hunting is SO stressful… it took us forever to find “The One,” but it definitely was worth the wait, and I know it’s going to happen for you soon.
Thank you! I really think it will happen soon! We are just trusting His plans…
Aw I totally feel you. When things get crazy, I just want to run away. I feel like friends are so awesome in times like those, just another way that God can speak to you, even when it isn’t always easy to hear. I love how you see the things to be grateful for in this situation! I hope you guys can get resolved on your housing soon!
Thank you so much! I am glad I’m not the only one who runs! haha Friends are so wonderful and they have been my life savers lately.
Praying for your sweet family! And I am like you too…I would rather run or avoid the situation all together.
Sometimes running just seems easier. It’s rarely the right thing to do, though. Thank you for your prayers!