Can I be honest with you guys for a second? Being a mother of 2 babies is hard. I knew it would be difficult and I tried to prepare for it, but it is so much harder than I realized. I honestly don’t know how mothers of multiples do it. I am in awe of you and you need a hug. And a spa day week. Lately, I have felt very overwhelmed.
I have tried to be a really independent mother. I want to do everything myself and I hate hate HATE asking for help. I feel like my kids are my responsibility and I get so caught up in the mindset of having to take care of them by myself. I should have them all the time. I should be the one to feed them, clothe them, bathe them at night, take them to the park, teach them. I am their mother. I am the one supposed to be raising them.Funny thing happens when I think like this. God laughs at me. He says, “No, no, no, sweetheart. You need help. You can’t do it alone.”
I do need help, y’all.
A childhood friend of mine started a Mommy Play Group on Facebook (which is awesome) and we met a couple of weeks ago downtown at the splash pad. I was so excited! I just knew Hampton would love it. I mean, anything outside that involves water is right up his alley! Oh boy was I wrong.
I loaded the kids, Hamp in the stroller and SR in my ergo. I packed our lunches and we hiked down to the splash pad (because it is a hike when you are hauling 2 babies up a hill). I didn’t know I could sweat through jean shorts, but I can. In case you were wondering.
Once we made it, a train went right by the splash pad. Hamp spotted it right away. . He was so excited, but as soon as the train went away, he started pitching a fit. Then SR started screaming because it was time for her to eat. Hampton never would touch the water. He watched everyone else play and he continued to pitch fits, asking for the “choo choo.” I finally said “that’s it!” I loaded them back up and hiked back to the car with two screaming babies. I was so thankful to my friend who helped me push the stroller part of the way back. I didn’t ask, but she offered and didn’t even wait for a reply. She just helped me. It was so nice!
I was so tired, hot and frustrated. They were hot and not happy at all. We all really needed a nap. It hit me really fast that this is why I should not be afraid to ask for help. I am feeling overwhelmed right now, and it is okay. I’m still trying to learn how to be available to 2 babies all the time while working and blogging. It is so tough sometimes.
God has a funny way of teaching me lessons. He definitely has a sense of humor. I am stubborn and determined and he is trying to show me that it can’t always be my way. I can’t do it alone. I have to learn to rely on Him, always. After this experience, I can honestly say, I have learned my lesson. It really does take a village to raise a child, and it’s okay to learn to rely on the village sometimes.
If you’re a mom, I just want to say that you are wonderful. You are doing an amazing job. No matter what phase of life you’re in – whether you have babies or grown adult children there will always be challenges because you’re a mom. You are everything to your kids, so don’t give up and don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. We all need help sometimes.
This is a nicely timed post for me to stumble on today! I know just how this feels, and I hope things have gotten a little less hectic since then for you
Thank you so much! Things have been much much better! I hope this encouraged you in some way. 🙂