It’s Tuesday again which means it’s time for the GFC Blog Hop!
I realize the blogging world has gone crazy with Google announcing the close of Google Reader this summer and I know some have worried what this means for GFC so I decided in the next couple of weeks I will be changing this hop to “Friend Connect Hop” Just dropping google 😉 It will be based on making new friends and finding new blogs. You can choose to follow the cohosts in whatever way is best for YOU! Thanks so much for linking up!! -Melissa
Ok, so let’s get to the party, shall we?
RULES are simple:
1. Follow your host
The First link below
2. Follow your co-hosts
The Next 7 links below
3. Link up below using your main blog url not a specific post.
4. Make sure to visit some of the blogs in the link up and follow them
and if you want to leave them a comment, I’m sure they’d appreciate that as well.
5. Tweet about this blog hop
6. Share about this blog hop by grabbing a button and putting it on your sidebar!
I have paid cohost spots available! Email me if you’re interested at
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