Today is such a Monday. We had the best Father’s Day weekend, but like most weekends, we were pretty busy running all over and we are now all getting sick…days before we leave for the beach. Did you notice my man-like voice in my instal-stories last night? I was definitely singing base at church yesterday. I feel like this happens every time we try to go on vacation. It never fails. We either get sick right before or during our trips. So, I will be loading up on orange juice and bananas over the next few days and praying this sickness away!
Our weekend was a lot of fun. We actually started the process of cleaning out and decluttering our home. It is going to be a bigger job than I realized, but it was a start. Also, when y’all sell clothes and shoes, do you sell on eBay? Instagram? I am trying to decide which way will be easier this time. I am ready to start purging some of my clothes. It’s been a long time coming and I honestly need to get rid of a lot. I have things in my closet from high school, y’all. Seriously. It’s ridiculous.
Top // Pants // Shoes // Bag // Lemon Bandana // Sophie’s Sandals
Saturday we played outside and were supposed to have a movie by the pool night, but it was canceled, so we ended up having some family time instead. Sunday was a great day celebrating my dad, grandfather and Ryan. I love celebrating these guys of mine because they are so special and have all three taken care of me and my family. They are incredible men. We went bowling after church which is something I haven’t done in a long time. Hampton was all about it and did way better than me. Sad, but true.
After bowling we went out for ice cream, took naps and then went to small group. In between, Ryan watched the U.S. Open, so he got to do some of his favorite things on his day, and it made me happy!
Now, it’s time to get well and get packed for the beach! Please send me all the well vibes and any tips for natural cold/chest congestion remedies (since I’m breastfeeding)! Have a happy Monday!
LOVE those pants! So cute!
I have used Poshmark to list stuff. I also know a lot of people who do private sale pages on Facebook or set up a separate Insta account.