Happy Wednesday! Is this week going by super fast for anyone else or is it just me? I feel like it should still be Monday. But, that’s life as a mom, right? You blink and it’s been three years. It has been raining here the last couple of days and we are definitely looking forward to some sunshine this weekend (I hope!). Until then, I wanted to share these three truths with you…
Toddler Tee // Sandals // W/O Tank // Slide On Sneakers // (Kid’s bracelet and necklace were in the dollar spot)
ONE. Target robs me every time I go in the store. I went in for sheets for Hampton’s new “big boy” bed yesterday and came out with all the things. And this haul was after I put a few things back because I had to really talk myself out of buying the entire store. Let me just say, if you have a toddler girl, you do not need to go near their shoe department. Their toddler shoes are so stinkin’ cute right now. I wanted to buy one of each. Also this “crunch then brunch” shirt was on sale and so, duh. I had to buy it. These shoes are dupes of some designer shoes I’ve been eyeing, but they were WAY cheaper and so comfortable! I stuck to my rule on not splurging on trendy things and bought the cheaper pair. I am obsessed with them.
TWO. It is springtime. I know it is technically still winter, but it has felt like spring here for the last couple of weeks (off and on) and it is getting me so excited for our spring break trip and easter and all the dresses and sandals and shorts! I can’t wait! I think our entire family is ready to get away for a few days this month. I know I am. Things have been crazy since having Weston, and taking my three kids on a 7 hour road trip might be a little crazy, too, but at least it will be an adventure!
THREE. The new LikeToKnow.it app is AMAZING! I love it! It is totally free, so I promise I’m not trying to sell you on anything. I just really love the features on it. You can take a screenshot of a shoppable Instagram image on your phone and shop it on the app. How cool is that? You don’t even have to like a liketoknow.it photo on Instagram anymore to shop it. Of course, your liked photos do show up on the app as well. It is so easy and convenient!
What are some of your current truths?
I can just hardly wait till spring!
Right there with you!!
Tell me about it! Target is crazy that way, haha!
Lee Anne
It is! My husband calls it the black hole! haha
I know the feeling of going into a store for one thing and coming out with a dozen. Target isn’t in Canada anymore and it breaks my heart but at the same time, it’s really good for my budget haha! It also makes it that much more fun when I go to the States and get to shop there
Haha Target gets me every.single.time. Yet I keep going back for more <3
Green Fashionista