Happy March! I am kissing this bipolar weather goodbye (I hope) and welcoming Spring! I am so excited for this month because (1.) tomorrow is my daddy’s birthday and (2.) we are going on our first road trip as a family of five! I am so ready to go to Florida and see our family and the beach, of course! I can’t hardly stand it! So, I have a lot of things on my to-do and bucket lists for this month.
Top // Jeans // Diaper Bag // Shoes Under $20 version Here// Lipstick // Weston’s Outfit: Carters // Sunglasses
Here we go:
Purge the junk and excess. – Moving taught me two things. I hate moving, and we have way too much stuff. Funny enough, we have acquired a lot more stuff since moving. Thanks, Christmas and blogging. I have stuff coming out of my ears and don’t even know what to do with it all. So, I started going through the boy’s room this week and I am going room-to-room, purging. It feels so good…until I get to my closet. Then it hurts a little.
Read a new book – I am currently reading The Fifth Letter by Nicola Moriarty and it is so good! I have so many books on my reading list that I have got to get after it. I’m hoping to get a lot of reading time in the car on our road trip.
Set a workout routine and stick to it. – Guys. Spring break is in 2 to 3 weeks. I still have 10 lbs. to lose. It probably won’t get done in two weeks because I’m not good at starving myself. I like food way too much. However, I am determined to be my best self. We recently bought an elliptical machine so I can work out easier during the day. We don’t have a triple stroller, so running has been dependent on my husband watching at least one kid for me to go do it. It hasn’t been working. Since buying the elliptical, I have not missed a day! Once you figure out what works, stick to it!
Buy that bikini! – or in my case, the mom suit. I won’t be sporting a bikini any time soon, but I am looking forward to buying a new swimsuit (these are my fave) and a brighter shade of lipstick!
Clean up the blog – This obviously only applies to you if you are a blogger, but most of my readers are. I am determined to clean up my blog and maybe change some things up a bit. I’m not sure if it will all happen this month, but it is definitely in the plans for this season.
Lessen your load – take a long hard look at your planner. I know you have it close by. It’s always there. Looming. Pick it up and go over your schedule. Pick one thing and cross it off. People are way too busy these days.
Take a day off of social media – this is going to be extremely difficult for me. Social media is fun AND it’s my job, so it will definitely be tough, but everyone needs a break from it all. It is so good for you to step away. I know I always feel better.
Go on a date with your husband – If you have kids, you know how hard this is to accomplish. I don’t think Ryan and I have been on a date since I had Weston where we were totally kid-free. I am determined to make it happen this month, even if it is for just one hour.
Eat healthy – Like I said, Spring. Break.
Buy a new pair of sandals. – I just bought these from the Shopbop sale and I am obsessed! I can’t wait to get them! Check out my picks here!
Prepare for Easter, now. – I was at Target the other day and their dollar spot has the cutest Easter decor and gifts that would be great for the kid’s Easter baskets. Now is a great time to start putting back some things for them and go ahead and decorate your home before it sneaks up on us. You know it will.
Be encouraging – I have set a personal goal this year to be more encouraging to others. When we had a difficult time last year, the biggest reason I didn’t completely lose myself was through encouragement of my friends and family and a lot of grace. I’ve decided to encourage others a lot more through compliments, prayer and acts of service. I am a very selfish person by nature and acts of service does not come naturally to me, but it is my husband’s love language and so I am constantly trying to work on this area.
Spend more time outdoors. – About three weeks ago when the weather started really warming up, we began spending a lot of family time outside. We bought Hamp a baseball bat and ball and chalk and we have been spending every day out there playing and laughing. We have made so many fun memories and Hampton is finally hitting the ball. That kid is a natural athlete. It blows my mind how great he is at every sport he tries. He definitely gets that from his daddy. #dancer
I hope you all have a fantastic March! What is on your list this month?
Ah I need to do almost every single one of these!!! And you two are so stinking cute!
Thank you, Lindsey!
I do need to do all of these! I especially need to read a new book, I feel like I have been neglecting my reading!
Let me know if you find a good book to read!
Love this list! Yes to working out more regularly and spending more time outdoors – both on my list too!
Being out in the sunshine does wonders, doesn’t it?
Great post, I need to do all those things
I love this. Be encouraging, read a book, buy the bikini. Yes to all of the above!! Great post, girl.
Thank you!
I am with you! Let’s quite this bipolar & just stick with spring! At the end of last week it was almost 80 & then yesterday it was in the 30s… So strange!! I’m so over long pants. All I want to do is wear dresses! 🙂
ps. You little one is adorable!!
Yes!! I’m with you! So ready for dresses and shorts! Hopefully the weather will make up its mind soon. Have a great weekend!
This is a good list of things to do. Fab post.
Thank you!
This is a great list. I will definitely do some of these. Already have a date lined up for the 25th. My SO is taking me to a Garth Brooks concert. (One of the things on my bucket list). 🙂
What!?! How awesome! I would love to see him in concert! Have so much fun!
Oh gosh, I hear you on losing that last bit of baby weight–and how mine is so not coming off before our spring travels. We had our babies around the same time last year, and you are LIGHT years ahead of me in working out! You look amazing, Logan–keep up the good work (and thanks for being an inspiration for me to finally make time to get our elliptical)!
Oh, wow! Thank you so much! It has been so much harder for me this time, too. The weight just won’t hardly budge. Hopefully we will both have better luck! Thank you so much for your encouragement!
You’re so welcome! I’m in that stage where I just need someone to show me that getting back in shape is even possible–I had a second c-section, and that has been TOUGH to recover from this time around. I keep telling myself that I had 9 months to gain the weight, so I’ll give myself 9 months to get it off, so I’m not really going to start panicking until about August. 😀
I can’t imagine the recovery after a C-section. Give yourself a lot of grace and time. It’s very hard when you are tired and still recovering.