I am almost a week behind, but my little man is 2 months old today! The answer to the question of whether he will be the baby of our family is TBD. He may be our last, he may not. We honestly are not sure yet. One thing I do know is that he is our baby at least for now and just in case he is our last, I am going to enjoy every minute and soak up every little thing about him. Weston has not been my easiest or my hardest baby. He is a good in between. Sweet most of the time, but doesn’t sleep as good as Sophie did. Eats really well, is only fussy when it is really loud (bless his heart, that is a lot of the time around here) and loves to be held and cuddled. I don’t mind that one little bit.
I took our little man to the doctor and he weighed 11lbs. and was 22 1/2 inches long! He is a growing boy! He is starting to wear some of his 3 month clothes already and I feel like he JUST started wearing 0-3 month clothes. He was our smallest baby at birth, but he is already on his way to being our biggest baby. He is so snuggly and perfect. I have enjoyed being lazy with him a good bit of the time during the holidays and we so enjoyed celebrating his first Christmas and New Years! He even stayed up with us to see midnight! Wasn’t that sweet of him? 😉
All I can think about is the fact that he is already growing up so fast. He is becoming much more alert and is cooing and smiling all the time now. He isn’t sleeping as much during the day and that newborn phase is slipping away. It is very very bittersweet. He is my little teddy bear because he is always wanting to be held and snuggled which I do not mind one bit because I love to cuddle, too! Hampton has done really great with him and talks so sweet to him. Sophie is doing pretty well with him, too! She can just be a little rough with him sometimes, so we have to be very careful and watch her like a hawk.
The two under two thing seems a little easier this time around, but being outnumbered now is a little challenging. We have definitely had our good and bad days and are still adjusting to life as a family of five, but I can honestly say that I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
Ah, what a cutie! Being outnumbered with the third baby was the hardest transition for me. The fourth baby didn’t really change that much! You are smart to soak up everything in case he is the last though! 🙂