After a whole lot of rain and an ice storm keeping us in last weekend, we have enjoyed some warm sunny days this week! It has been unseasonably warm and we are loving every minute of it! Countless walks and lots of playing outside has made my babies very happy and you know what they say: “happy baby, happy mama.” Or something like that… Life lately has definitely been grand!
Hampton has done great adjusting to school again. I was worried that after a long break, he might have trouble, but he has done so well! `That boy loves school. Of course, his parents did, too, so he gets it honestly. 😉
Sophie girl has been my #1 walking buddy! We have really enjoyed mornings together and I feel like I have gotten to spend a lot of one on one time with her this week. I think it did both of us a lot of good.
Weston has still been waking up 3 times a night and it is definitely wearing on me. He is turning into a little comfort nurser just like Hampton was, and while it isn’t always easy, I am soaking it all up! He is the sweetest little baby and I am enjoying all of his little newborn snuggles as long as he will let me. He also rolled over from his stomach to his back for the first time yesterday! If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen his super confused look that I posted on my story. It was pretty hilarious. He did not know what to think about that.
Shirt (similar)/ Pants c/o Finn and Emma
Ryan is back to work and has been running all over the place again. The session is about to start – my favorite half of the year (sarcasm). I got really spoiled when he took a week off during the holidays and I think we are all having a hard time getting back after it. Even though it’s been two weeks. The weather has not helped and we are in “I want to stay in sweat pants and watch Netflix” mode. But, life goes on and there is work to be done and diapers to be changed.
We are excited for a fun weekend with friends and possibly a little bit of Parenthood on Netflix!
Have you seen Parenthood? What are your weekend plans?
That last picture just melts me!
Oh I just love those pictures. So cute!!! No major weekend plans. We are having a niece and nephews over for a sleep over weekend 🙂
He is so cute! We are having a stay home and watch Netflix type of weekend as well.