Moms can handle a lot, right? Blah. I don’t even know where to begin to tell you how crazy this week has been. We took a semi-spontaneous trip to Florida because we really needed to get away from everything for a few days. While it did us a world of good, we all got sick and have been feeling bad all week. It is not easy taking care of two sick babies while you yourself are feeling bad. On top of all that, I had a procedure done yesterday to take a spot off of my back and I have stitches and the works so I have been super sore. The icing on the cake? Last Saturday we got a call that the seller of our new house backed out. They have decided not to sell their home at all. While I am trying so hard to be okay with this, respect the sellers’ decision, and to know that God has a plan it has been hard. I have not had the best attitude about it. We had gone through the entire process minus the closing day. We had it inspected, the owners fixed the things that needed fixing, we had a contractor go over there with us and walked him through all of the changes we were making. We had plans drawn up, I had the entire place decorated in my head and Hampton has been asking to go to the new house every day for the last two weeks. Talk about a dagger in the heart. To say I am bummed would be an understatement because I loved that house. It was perfect for our family. Now, we are back at square one. So, who’s ready for the weekend? This girl! I am ready to blow a kiss at this week.
Coffee Mug: c/o Clever Holly Designs // arrow ring: Rocksbox // necklace: Kendra Scott
We have been looking at houses all week and can’t find anything we really love. We have been looking for 2 years now and that was the only house that really even came close to everything we wanted. We have tossed around the idea of building, but that would take months longer and there is the question of where? We feel totally lost and living with five other people makes it 20 times harder. I’m trying to look up and have faith that our home is out there somewhere.
In happier news, we are celebrating my grandparent’s 80th birthday this weekend with a big birthday bash! They are both turning 80 and are in great health and shape! They are basically my role models when it comes to health. They are wonderful and beautiful people and I can’t wait to celebrate them!
So, I know that moms can handle a lot of things. God seems to be throwing a whole lot of trials at my entire family right now. It’s hard. Really hard. It’s hard to stay positive. It’s hard to go out and pretend that everything is fine. It’s hard to smile some days, but I have to do it. For myself and for my babies. Moms were built strong and tough and to harbor a lot of “stuff.” They take care of themselves, children, husband, the house and work. They truly do it all and so I know I am equipped to handle all of the stress, but I’d be lying if I said it isn’t starting to take a toll on me. God is good. He is my refuge and I will continue to lean on Him and look up and try really hard not to run away, but instead to face everything with the “spunk” that God so graciously gave me plenty of.
Happy Friday, friends! Cheers to a better weekend!
Lots of positive energy your way. I love taking spontaneous trips. I hope you find a home soon…if it’s taking this long that means when you find it, it will be right and you’ll just know. Also I hope the birthday party is great. Tuesday would have been my grandma’s 87th birthday, we lost her in August, I just had to remember all the memories and birthdays.
Awe I am sorry about your grandmother’s passing. I bet she was a lovely lady. Thank you for the positive vibes and encouraging words. That means a lot!
So sorry about the house not coming through. I hope things turn around for you soon. Stay strong momma.
Thank you! Have a great weekend!
You are strong! Hope the situation works out! I know it will. Love your necklace, btw
Thank you so much!
Happy Friday! I know things will work out. I agree with Dia that you will find the perfect home. Theres a reason for everything, right?
I couldn’t agree more! Thank you so much!
Oh mama! That really sucks about the house! You will find the perfect home and soon you’ll forget all about that one. It can only get better, right?!
Thank you! I sure hope so!
I completely agree!