I love linking up with the Literary Junkies book club each month to discuss one of my favorite hobbies: reading and books!
Here are this month’s questions:
1. What are you reading right now? Tell us about it.
I am only one chapter into Three Wishes by Liane Moriarty, but very intrigued. I actually started this book before Christmas but stopped after a couple of chapters to read a Christmas novel. I picked it back up last night to read it through this time. I love Liane Moriarty and she quickly became a favorite author of mine after I read What Alice Forgot and Big Little Lies. I just finished reading Fool For Love by Beth Ciotta. I loved this novel and can’t wait to read the sequel!
2. Are you doing any reading challenges in 2016? Share them with us.
I have a personal goal to read 24 books this year. That is more than I read last year and only 2 books a month, so I am hoping I can do it! I have already read 2 and have started the third, so I am starting out okay.
3. Have you discovered any new authors lately?
Other than Beth Ciotta (who was a new author to me), not really. I am looking forward to rediscovering one of my favorite authors Elisa Lorello who is coming out with a new book this year! I am really excited about this new release!
4. There are a ton of book to movie adaptations coming out this year. Are you excited for any in particular or disappointed in any?
I’ll start with the disappointments: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies? I am disgusted by the book but now a movie? Gross. Don’t ruin my favorite classic novel, please!
I’m excited for Nicholas Spark’s The Choice and Me Before You by Jojo Moyes. That book was a tear jerker and made me angry at times, but it was SO good. The little girl in me is looking forward to Through the Looking Glass and I’m also excited to see Allegiant. I enjoyed those books a couple of years ago!
5. What is a book you were looking forward to reading and then had a complete let-down feeling when you finished?
I can’t really think of any recently that have been a let down. The book I have despised most of all was J.K. Rowling’s Current Vacancy that I read a couple of years ago. Terrible.
What are you currently reading?
Love this! I have a goal to read 24 books this year! 🙂 I just blogged about my book picks for feb!
Do not remind me The Casual Vacancy…LOL HORRIBLE!!!!
I’m looking forward to Through the Looking Glass!! Hope to see you back again this week!