I’ve been contemplating it for quite some time, but I had to close my eyes, and hold my breath when it happened. I love my hair. I’ve worn it long for many years. I have curly hair but it is easy to straighten. Because of it’s natural body, I’ve always preferred to wear it long. Plus, there was the whole I have to get it in a bun thing #ballerinaproblems.
Something happens to you when you have a baby. Lots of things women don’t warn you about. One of those things is you apparently lose your hair at alarming rates. I’m talking hand fulls in the shower every morning, and cleaning out your brush every day. Sometimes multiple times a day to the point where you almost become depressed about it. Definitely self-conscious. It makes sense because your hair thickens while you’re pregnant, so I guess when your hormones balance back out, you lose that extra hair? I don’t know. That’s my theory. Anyways…add that to my 6 month old pulling out my hair a thousand times a day (rough estimate) and I was fed up with it.
I talked to my cousin at her wedding a couple of weeks ago and she was telling me that she was going to cut her hair and donate it to Locks of Love once she got back from their honeymoon. I thought, wow what a great idea! I have thought about donating my hair since my sister did it several years back. Because I wanted to get my hair chopped any way, I thought why not donate it? So I did.
I went all Miley and got my hair chopped off.
When I was sitting in the chair, I had to literally close my eyes and hold my breath while Abbey (my friend and hair-stylist) cut my hair off. Turns out, I kind of love it. It is so much easier to deal with and Hampton hasn’t grabbed it as much. It is a huge change, but I’m enjoying it. So, this is the new me…at least for now. I’ll probably grow it back out, but for now, this is a nice and welcome change.
Do you ever get tired of dealing with your hair?
It looks great! I have done this before. When my youngest was a baby she was a hair puller. One of those days I just had it and grabbed the scissors pulled my hair into a pony tail and cut it off, it actually was very straight and even. I regretted the rash "momma done went crazy and snapped" decision but I loved the shorter hair. lol
after each of my pregnancies idk why but I chopped all my hair off..lol I donated too its pretty awesome!
i was so scared of this post with the title, haha! jk. i used to have super long hair and cut it semi short in 2012, never looked back. i like 'short -medium' length, but long hair was far too much work and never looked good (on me). and anywho, it looks amazing on you, love that length! thats fab that you donated it.
It looks great on you!! And the title made me giggle 🙂
Your hair looks great!
It looks great!! I love it! I wish I could wear my hair short!
I have long hair and always have, I have my "Miley" moments too, the last time however I really hated when I did it, not sure why(maybe cause it had been 5 years since I had short hair but I told my husband Don't ever let me go just getting my hair chopped off again, next time I start talking about remind me of right now. 🙂 I wish I could wear short hair beacause I love the simplicity of it but its just not for me.
How funny that you mentioned this because last night I had a dream that I cut my hair to above my shoulders as well. So weird! haha.
Also though, Yesterday morning as I was doing my hair and makeup for the day I decided I wanted bangs…sooo I chopped my bangs off, which were almost the same length as my hair. (which is pretty long)…so now I have bangs…But I don't think I will be cutting my hair anytime soon. My Husband won't allow it either, it loves my long hair! haha
-Ashlee Michelle
I'm still enjoying the post-pregnancy hair loss 13 months and 2 major haircuts later….i'm ready to REALLY go Miley and pixie it up – but that is a scary thought.
Yours looks great!
My hair never really fell out when I was pregnant. But I do love your new do!
Love your hair! My hair is getting so long! One day i want to cut and the next day i love it! I don't know what to do!
I love the new short do on you! Looks great.
About 10 months after having our little guy, I had had enough. I had to cut my hair because it was thinning so badly. While I miss my long hair on a daily basis, my shorter cut is perfect for a quick wash and go along with the horrible Texas heat.
You look great with shorter hair! Thats such a great things to do!
For me, long hair is easier. Mine is so wavy if left to its own devices, so when it's short I have to style it. However, when it's long, the weight of the hair makes it straighter plus I can pull it up if I need to. Looks great!
cuts are fun! enjoy!
So ironic to read this just before I leave for my hair appt. I'm chopping it off and going back to blond. I went back to my natural brown before getting pregnant with my third child because I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up with appts for awhile. But it's back to the salon for me! Woot!
Found this through SITS Share Fest and LOVE your title!