I’ve been wanting to run a 5k for a while now, and if you follow me on Instagram, you know that I ran my first 5k race on Saturday after having a pretty rough stomach virus. I struggled and came no where near my personal record, but considering I was still debating on whether or not to run the morning of the race I’m just happy I completed it.
Ryan was a sweetie and ran it with me the whole way while pushing Hampton. Normally I’m the one pushing him because I’m more used to it that Ryan is, but he pushed him the whole way for me. I was so thankful for him encouraging and pushing me along the way. I definitely couldn’t have done it without him under the circumstances. Sure my time was a little embarrassing, and I was beat by two 60+ and 70+ year old men. Who’s keeping tabs any way? I will do better next time. There will definitely be a next time and hopefully soon! I really enjoyed it and I’m sure I’ll enjoy it even more when I’m feeling better and not fighting dehydration. Thanks to all of my TIU girls for encouraging me and cheering me on. It was a great experience.
Of course I’m still a little ticked that my 6 month old beat me…HA! (little stroller humor for you).
Have you run any races this year?
Congrats on your finish! What a great way to bond as a family!
~Ashley @ A Cute Angle
Congrats on reaching your goals!
Very impressive! Congrats!!
Woohoooo! I always get beat cause I am a turtle, I just completed my first 4 miler EVER under 60 mins which is a miracle LOL.
Good luck on future races! :D♥
Renee @ Gettin' Fit Fab
Aww! I love how Hampton is passed out. Cute! Great job! I am planning to start running again soon and am not looking forward to the hard work it brings but know that it pays off!
Congrats on your first 5k! My last race was rainy and windy (right on the coast). I always feel good afterward though. 😉
Congrats! I ran a wacky socks 5k and then a glow run 5k both were super fun 🙂
Congrats on your accomplishment! I walk, but my daughter runs and I remember a color race in Atlanta when she had a virus, but ran anyway!
Awesome! Congratulations on your race. I love running races and it is fun to run with my hubby too.
That's awesome!! You look amazing, by the way! 🙂
You should be extremely proud of yourself! Running has it's challenges, but all that matters is that you FINISH. Congratulations on your first! There will be many more to come! 🙂
Congratulations! It's always hard not to compare yourself with others or always try to beat your own time!
congrats! who cares about the time, i always get beaten by like 1000 people. lol. this is awesome, and you should be proud!