So, I’m terrible. Hamp was 2 months on Christmas Eve and I’m just now getting around to posing it. This is a year of firsts. We celebrated Christmas with our sweet angel this year and also enjoyed bringing in the new year with him. Here is a look at Hamp’s second month:
Hampton is smiling all the time and cooing/ talking a lot. He is really loving his swing these days and is starting to cry a little less during tummy time. He still doesn’t like to sleep much but Mommy has made it her mission to start getting him to take at least one nap a day. He hasn’t been napping at all during the day up until this point unless he did not sleep at all the night before. He had his first ear infection this month which was pitiful but luckily some antibiotics cleared it right up. He has been rolling over on his back since he was 3 weeks old, but he is doing it a lot more often now. He is still sleeping in his pack and play next to our bed but we hope to make the transition into his crib in the next couple of weeks. He is starting to pull hair. He eats 4 ounces and is growing like a weed. he is in the 95th percentile for his height (not surprising since Ryan and I are tall) and 50th for his weight. He still loves to stare at fans and is happiest in the mornings.
Happy 2 months, sweet boy!
I love all of the outfits you dressed him in and I can not wait to see the 3 month post!
xx Kelly
Sparkles and Shoes
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