If you follow me on Instagram you probably saw this picture that I posted earlier. My family has been going through a lot of changes these last couple of weeks and forced to make a lot of difficult decisions. Because Ryan and I both work from home now and recently had our sweet baby H, we have really outgrown our little starter home. We are always on top of each other and having H here while we work is a wonderful blessing but it is also very distracting.
We decided that we needed to go ahead and put our house up for sale and start looking for a new home. We have actually been keeping our eyes open for a place but haven’t had any luck in the last year. We have come to the decision to build a home. We already found the builder we want to use and have already discussed the floor plan. The tough part is deciding where to build. We will either build in a neighborhood we found recently that is fairly new, or we may even be moving out of our hometown. We still have a lot of things to figure out and work through. The big thing is selling our home.
We have to sell our house before we can start building. In order to do this quickly, we have been really working on our house to de-clutter it, clean it really good and fix things that we have been needing to do for quite some time. On the list is our bathroom. It is terrible. When we moved in, it had hideous wallpaper and carpet. Carpet, y’all. Ewe. There is nothing like selling your house to make you want to finally redo these things. Anyways…demolition started today and will continue the next couple of days. I can’t wait to see the finished product!
Please pray that our house sells quickly. This will probably be a long process because we will likely move into an apartment while we are building so it will be an interesting year or so. Here’s to taking a leap of faith!
Good luck with the whole process!
Moving is always a pain! I feel you!