I’m a little late getting this up. Hamp was 2 weeks last Thursday. Our second week has been much better than the first! Hampton has been sleeping a lot better at night and even slept 6 hours straight one night! I also started pumping which has made life more complicated in some ways but a lot easier in others. I feel like I can actually leave the house without worrying about where I am going to breastfeed which has been a lot less stressful. We also went on a couple of walks which was really nice. I’ve been feeling a lot better and I’ve been going so stir crazy sitting in our house for 2 weeks, so getting out and walking was a relief. We have had tons of visitors every day and it has been so fun seeing all of our family and friends come together for our little man. I am definitely ready for things to calm down so that we can get into a routine and start this new journey. Here are a few pictures from our 2nd week with Hamp!
what a babe! <3