How far along? 26 1/2 weeks
Baby Size: A cucumber! About 15 inches and 2.2 lbs. (What to Expect app)
Feeling: Other than the cold I have been plagued with this week, I am feeling wonderful!
Sleep: Sleep? What sleep?
Miss Anything? I’m starting to miss my old clothes.
Movement: All the time! My doctor said he is VERY active.
Looking forward to: Our 4D ultrasound next week! I can’t wait to see my sweet boy!
Bump: If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably seen pictures of my growing belly. It’s definitely out there now!
Exercise: Still walking and swimming. I love to swim because it is so much cooler.
Nursery: The nursery is painted and the carpet is in! We ordered our furniture 2 weeks ago, but they said it would take 8 weeks to come in so we are just waiting on that. I promise I’ll post pics soon!
Doctor Visit: I went to the doctor last Thursday and had my glucose test done. Everything went great! His heartbeat was 140! I love hearing that sweet thump.
I can’t believe how fast this pregnancy has gone by! I’m only a week away from the third trimester! It’s nuts. I am getting so excited to see his sweet little face, but I’m also super nervous about the birth. Luckily my excitement outweighs my nervousness.
no belly bump pic? bummer.
Hearing a baby's heartbeat is just amazing. I visited my best friend as a surprise when she had an emergency appendectomy when she was pregnant. They had to check her baby's heartbeat to make sure everything was alright, and it was just beautiful.
Very exciting!
Kallie, But First Coffee Blog || JewelMint Giveaway 🙂
Congrats on your blessing!!
It's great that you are still keeping active! I don't have kids yet with my hubby but I worked in Labor and delivery previously when I was doing my rotations at the hospital and I have helped women deliver and helped with C sections and seen first hand how beautiful the whole process can be. Its hard work and its touch but it is so worth it and the families are so joyous. Iv'e shared in some great moments 🙂