Hello my lovelies!! First off I want to say welcome to all of my new followers! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my rambles!
Last weekend, our friends from Huntsville (north Alabama) came to town and we hung out with them, Shane and his wife Paige. Shane was diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma over the summer and has since gone through several surgeries, radiation and chemotherapy. He completed his last chemo treatment Wednesday! YAY SHANE! It was so much fun hanging out with our old college crew. I love them and miss them terribly. Unfortunately I did not get any pics of us (bad blogger right here).
Remember in this post when I wrote that I need to catch up on some history? This week, Ryan and I started taking a FREE online history class through Coursera. If you ever want to take a class but don’t want to spend any money and don’t care about credit, you should definitely check them out! While I was perusing their site, I also signed up for a couple of health and nutrition classes as well as social psych to brush up on my psychology. So apparently I’ve decided to go back to school…ha! It’s funny that the whole time I was in college all I wanted was to graduate, and now I miss it so much (nerd alert).
Yesterday, my crazy dog decided to play with a hanger and ended up getting it all twisted up in her collar. She started whining and freaking out, so obviously I was in the floor laughing and taking tons of pics…
Today, I’m going to be organizing, cleaning and catching up on my favorite blogs! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Nanny to Mommy is hosting her first sponsor giveaway!
With over $100 in prizes!
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Thank you for sharing! 🙂
Hahaha, that hanger thing is so something my Pippa would do! She's always getting into things she knows she's not supposed to!
I found your blog through the Nanny to Mommy giveaway and I am so glad I did, I love it and I am now following you!
Sparkles and Shoes
If you ever need a dog sitter…im your girl! :)) sooo toot!!!