I had every intention of going into labor on my own. I walked for at least an hour every night praying it would help induce labor. It didn’t. My doctor wanted to induce me on the 24th if I hadn’t had him by then.
We arrived at the hospital at 8pm. Ryan went downstairs to check us in and fill out the paperwork while I changed into my gown and the nurse started my IV. She asked me if I knew I was already having contractions on my own. I didn’t really feel much. By this point I had experienced several painful Braxton Hicks so the thought that I was having contractions and not feeling anything kind of made me laugh.After not sleeping a wink, I got my epidural at 6:45 the next morning. I was 3 1/2 cm. dilated. My doctor broke my water at 7:00 that morning. Around 9, our family arrived at the hospital. They were surprised to find out I was already 5 cm and had my epidural and everything. I was starting to get really anxious. I felt really tired and I knew I still had a very long day ahead. At 11 I was at 6 cm. My nurse checked me again at 12:15 pm and said I was at 7 cm. She told me to try to get some rest that it would be a while longer. About 45 minutes later, my best friend came to visit me and check on how I was doing. She happens to be a nurse. I told her I was good but that I felt a lot of pressure. She immediately went to get my nurse who checked me again (at 1:30) and said “oh wow. Cross your legs sweetie. His head is coming out. I’m going to call your doctor.” She came back a couple of minutes later and told me my doctor was delivering someone else’s baby at the moment and told me I had to try to wait and not to push at all.
My doctor finally came in the room at 2 pm (although it seemed like a lifetime had passed). I started pushing immediately and after 3 pushes 1 episiotomy and 11 minutes later, my beautiful baby boy was born. I couldn’t quit smiling. I couldn’t believe it was over and that it had happened so fast. Ryan was standing behind me scared to death trying to take pictures. They took Hampton to clean him off while my doctor was sewing me up and he wouldn’t cry. They thought he may have a little fluid in his lungs or that he was in shock. I was immediately terrified. They gave him to me to see if holding him skin to skin would help, but it didn’t. They took him to the nursery and Ryan followed him out. About 5 minutes later, my doctor left the room along with my nurses. I was all alone. For 30 minutes I sat there by myself freaking out (another lifetime passed). No one came to let me know anything or to check on me. I couldn’t move my legs and so I couldn’t get to my phone. I was freaking out not knowing if Hampton was okay or not.
Turns out, my nurse was helping deliver another patient’s baby. Finally my mom came back there and was crying and said Hampton was fine. They had seen him in the nursery. A few minutes later, Ryan sent me a video of Hampton’s first bath and he was screaming. I couldn’t contain my emotions any longer. I broke down in front of both of our families. It was slightly embarrassing, but in that moment I knew my baby would be okay.
He gave me quite the scare, but he has been healthy and happy ever since and I thank God every day for that. Hampton is the biggest blessing in my life (aside from my husband). He brings us such joy. I can’t believe it has been one year since I experienced such grief over not being able to conceive. God’s timing is perfect. I got my perfect pumpkin baby and learned to trust God and his timing. He has been trying to teach me patience all my life and apparently I still haven’t learned my lesson.
Photos by Allison Hilyer Photography.
Such a beautiful, beautiful family. That waiting, just reading about it is hard… But so worth it!
I loved this! Hes so perfect.
Oh how incredibly beautiful!!! Every birth is different and difficult and you are an amazing woman! Don't feel embarrassed! Its a very emotional ordeal! Im so happy it all went well!!
Awww, so sweet! my babies are now 6, 4 and 2, but I love to re-live those first, precious days, weeks and months of being a new mom! Thanks for linking up at Made to Mother!